c h a p t e r 12- truth hurts

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Dylan's POV:

Seeing her like this, so hurt and broken, broke my heart. I hated it, hated the fact that while we had grown up with everything, she had grown up with nothing. I felt a sudden wave of hatred towards our mother. She had one fucking job when she left- to look after Alyssa. And she couldn't even do that. As for the other bastards that had hurt her... yeah, I'm pretty sure Wyatt wouldn't forget that little fact. I wouldn't either. The knowledge that there were people enjoying their lives who had actively hurt my baby sister made me so fucking angry. I gripped Alyssa a bit tighter, burying my head in her shoulder. No-one would hurt her again; I'd make sure of it.

I raised my head again to hear Jordan speaking.

'Why didn't you tell us before? You've been in pain all this time and we never even knew.' His voice broke a bit at the last part. Jordan's only soft spot was Alyssa- she was all of ours, really, a fact she seemed oblivious too, and I knew that hearing what she'd been through must have hit him especially hard.

She looked at him, pain in her eyes, 'I know it hurts you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I've never had anyone who cares about me, never had anyone who I love,' I smiled when I heard that she loved us and I could tell the others felt the same by the way the mood lifted. It soon changed when Wyatt spoke again, carefully.

'Alyssa, if you saw those... people again, would you recognise them?'

All our expressions soured and I felt Jared tense up beside me. Before he could get too angry, I shot him a warning look and raised my eyebrows at Alyssa. He crossed his arms and huffed. Dickhead I thought rolling my eyes. Jared had problems with his anger sometimes which was useful in fights but right now we needed to be calm for Alyssa. We all knew she hated violence. I guess we know why now.

Tuning back into the conversation, I watched Alyssa shake her head in answer, her brows furrowed in confusion. I smirked; she was cute when she didn't know what was happening. She saw me and glared- this, of course, made me chuckle and she squirmed, attempting to get out of my arms. I grinned, tightening my hold until she eventually gave up, sighing.

Wyatt clapped his hands, making us shut up instantly.

'Alright everyone, I got the all clear for Alyssa so we can head home for lunch. You okay with that Alyssa?' She nodded her head and gave a timid thumbs up.

Immediately, Jordan jumped up, 'Bagsy carrying her to the car!' Me and Jared glared at him and I hugged Alyssa closer. Wyatt gave me a look. I gave Alyssa over to Jordan, her huffing about 'not being a baby' while I did so which made Jared snort- little did she know that she'd always be the baby of the family, no matter how old she is. Jordan happily whisked her away, chatting whatever shit into his ear, with Jared following closely behind.

I slowed my pace down so I could walk with Wyatt who was rapidly texting on his phone while muttering to Aaron.

'You find them yet?' I asked impatiently. Wyatt completely ignored me, still absorbed in his phone and so I turned to Aaron.


'We've found out a list of names, we're just trying to figure out which ones were actually included with hurting her,' he replied. I simply nodded, we'd find out who they were soon and make them pay.

Alyssa's POV:

I glanced back at Dylan, Wyatt and Aaron- all three seemed to be deep in discussion. I couldn't help but wonder if it was about what Wyatt had asked me earlier- if I would recognise my mum's friends. I had said yes because I knew I would be able to, but I was confused as to why he'd even asked. He wasn't gonna be able to find them- that's if they hadn't died from overdosing on alcohol or drugs yet.

Jared caught me looking and raised his eyebrows- I quickly looked forward, trying to focus on whatever Jordan was on about... he was ranting about something to do about how Shawn Mendes wouldn't be famous if his name was spelt 'Sean'. I seriously worried about him sometimes.

Luckily, we soon made it to the car, saving me from Jordan's rant. I tried to get in by myself, but no, apparently my limbs were paralyzed or something because my brothers insisted on passing me along like I was a fucking statue. I drew the line when Jared tried to put my seatbelt on for me- I karate chopped his hand, leaving him cussing and massaging his fingers for the rest of the journey.

I spent the rest of the day on the couch, snuggled in blankets and getting food brought out to me. God, if this was the treatment I got, I might just have to become injured more often. Jordan then introduced me to the glory that was Netflix and we spent the rest of the night binge watching The Vampire Diaries.

'Jesus Christ, Stefan is hot.' I said, stuffing popcorn into my mouth while watching from the corner of my eye.

'Yeah but look at Elena. Even with her being an annoying little bitch, I'd still screw her.' I wrinkled my nose at Jordan's comment, ugh, guys were so gross.

A voice called from the kitchen, 'Whose Alyssa calling hot?' and a second later, Jared appeared in the doorway. I pointed at the screen.

'Oh, good, I thought I was going to have to beat up some boy for a moment.' I huffed at his comment, like any boys would have an interest in me anyways.

Dylan's head popped round the corner, 'Who we beating up?'

'NO-ONE!' I yelled, losing my patience.

'Oooo, someone's angry,' Dylan laughed. Narrowing my eyes because, if there's one way to piss me off, it was interrupting me watching a show and threw popcorn, with force, in the direction of Dylan's figure. From the yelp in the doorway, I guess it made its mark. Ha, serves him right.

Aaron entered, probably drawn to all the noise and paused the TV. I stared at him with wide eyes. What was this betrayal? Aaron had always been the nicest... what happened to him? He proceeded to laugh at my hurt expression causing me to pout.

'Come on guys, it's 12 and you have school tomorrow, you need to go to sleep.'

'Noooo! Katherine just came back and I wanna see what happens,' I complained, hiding behind my pillow.

'You can see tomorrow, hun,' Aaron gently said while tugging the pillow from my clutch. I tried to speak but instead a yawn came out. Damn you, body! Lifting me up, I fell asleep to the rhythm of Aaron's footsteps echoing down the corridor.

Heyyy! Hope you enjoyed the POV from Dylan's perspective- I really enjoyed writing it. I know this chapter is a bit shorter but I got a long one coming up that includes some more of Cole ;) As always, please comment what you think so far and vote- it really helps me out :)) Love you and thanks for reading!! <3 <3 <3

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