c h a p t e r 9- art lessons ain't it

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Alyssa's outfit  ^^^

Panic brewing in my stomach, I huffed in frustration. For half an hour, I had been trying to find an outfit that would be good enough for school. Half an hour of pain, anger and very nearly tears. On the verge of a breakdown, I finally picked out an outfit. That's one thing I miss about my old life I thought wryly I never had the stress of picking out an outfit- there was only  ever one outfit to choose from.

Breakfast went in a blur; I couldn't even eat my usual portion of cereal due to the swirling panic in my stomach. Even with me being a nervous mess, I internally rolled my eyes at the fact that, when I came down, all the brothers checked out my outfit before giving me a nod.

Seated in between Jordan and Jared, (Aaron had gone to his work while Dylan and Wyatt were in the front) I rested my head on Jordan's shoulder while I anxiously twisted my jeans in little swivels. I was nervous about my first day, it was no secret. I had always been a loner at school and being a new girl was never good. I guess I was just wondering if this time would be any different. My abuse wasn't preventing me from making friends anymore but the real question was, would anyone want to be my friend? I was still equally shit at socializing and I'm pretty sure that, by now, everyone would have their groups.

I guess my worry was showing on my face because when I let out another sigh, Jordan reached for my hand, squeezing it.

'Hey, I don't know why you're even worrying, you already have a friend,'

'Who?' I asked skeptically, raising my head to shoot a look at Jordan who, true to his fashion, now had a massive grin on his face.

'Me, stupid.' He smirked. I rolled my eyes at him, though he had managed to cheer me up. Now that I was reassured that I'd have at least one friend, I placed my head back onto his shoulder, a bit more relaxed.

The worry soon returned when we arrived. For some reason, I thought that the school would be your average public high school. But no, I had forgotten that my brothers were incredibly wealthy and, so, of course this school was too.

Glass buildings rose in every direction I looked; lush green lawns being seen in the distance. Yup, this school was insane. I hope the people are normal at least. The others got out, Jared sniggering slightly at my gobsmacked expression and I went to follow them when a voice called me back.

Sighing, I got back in. Spinning round, I was faced with Wyatt's stormy grey eyes once more.

'Okay, I'm going to go over the rules one more time.' Good, I thought, it's not like I listened the first time. Although, I had the nagging feeling that Wyatt knew this and was the reason he was telling me again.

'Right. So, rule number one is to not disrespect your teachers. However, if they give you any issues that you didn't provoke, come straight to me. Rule two is no drugs, alcohol, skipping class or fighting,' So far, all the rules seemed fine and reasonable. I had never been interested in any of that stuff anyway. Wyatt continued, 'And the last rules are no revealing clothes- we'll check your outfits- and no boys. You can have friends that are boys- don't expect the other boys to be happy about that - but no boyfriends.'

I scowled slightly at the first one- I'm guessing that their definition of revealing was different to mine- but stayed quiet. As for the second rule, I'm pretty sure it wasn't gonna be a problem. At all. No boy had ever liked me and the only crushes I ever had was on fictional characters which, until now, had worked just fine. Realizing I was probably taking way too long to reply yet again, I quickly said, 'Okay, got it. Can I go now?'

Wyatt smiled suddenly, as he thought of something. Wow! I guess he did have emotions after all!

'One last thing, here's your new phone.' He said, holding up the newest iPhone.

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