c h a p t e r 3- my new home

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Opening my eyes, I found myself locked once again in the stormy eyes of my newly discovered brother. 

'H-hi sorry I didn't realise I feel asleep.'

'Its alright' he said emotionlessly and I sighed wondering if my brother was always going to be this closed off. I mean, its not like I was here expressing my every emotion either but maybe if my brother wasn't so scarily intimidating it would be easier to talk to him. It was then that I realised I didn't actually know his name. Gathering courage, I asked 'Hey um sorry but I just realised that I don't actually know your name.' Slowly, he turned his eyes giving me a formidable look before replying with a simple 'It's Wyatt and we need to leave'. Right, okay then, clearly not very chatty. Rolling my eyes slightly, I mumbled a 'oh okay' and realised that we had arrived at what looked like a landing strip.

'Are we not going to the airport?'. To my surprise this actually got a smile from Wyatt. A very tiny smile- more of just a slight lift in his lips- but a smile to me none the less.

'This is the airport, hun.' My mouth for the third time today rounded into a 'o' shape- I remembered back, when in the office, he had mentioned a private jet.

Knees feeling slightly weaker than before, I followed my brother onto the jet. We got inside and I blinked. Woah, I could 100 percent get used to being rich. Red, plush carpet covered the floor, the recliner seats covered in a similar colour but leather instead. A couch and bar occupied one corner whereas a small team of 5 waited on the other side, clearly awaiting instruction. Yup, to say I was gobsmacked was an understatement.

While I had been gawking however Wyatt had been making himself comfortable on one of the many seats. He patted the seat next to him and I joined him, eyebrows raised slightly in a sort of 'well what am I supposed to do now' kind of way. Again, he smiled that small smirk and said 'Come on now, make yourself comfy, we have a 3-hour flight till home.' At the mention of 'home' I was filled with a warmish feeling- not love; just the knowing that finally I could be safe.

I must have drifted of to sleep again because the next thing I knew I was once again being shaken awake by Wyatt.

'We're here' he said. Smiling, I nodded and followed him out saying a quick thank you to the crew as I left. Of course, another posh looking Mercedes awaited us.

After our 30-minute drive, I was starting to get really nervous; thoughts flooded through my head at high speed- what if my brothers hated me? Would they beat me as well? What if they hated me so much, they just decided to get rid of me all together? Somehow, I think Wyatt sensed this because he grabbed the fingers I had started to twist in my hands and held them.

'Hey,' he said softly, 'they're going to love you don't worry.' A bit shocked, I looked up at him. What the hell, how had he managed to not only stop my panic but also read the exact thoughts running through my head? Swallowing my nerves, I kept my hand in his as we pulled up outside a mansion. Really, I don't know why I'm surprised that it was a ginormous house. Here goes nothing I thought.  

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