c h a p t e r 19- just the typical day

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^^ picture is for @PrajwalaDontineni  I promised another pic of Jordan so here you go ;)

Waking up, I knew I was screwed. Not only had I spent the majority of the night overthinking the kiss, I had woken up with one thought on my mind- I can't wait to see Cole again. Groaning, I stuffed my head into my pillow, trying to block out the images of Cole in my head. Ugh, this is why I hated feelings! Rolling out of bed, I forced myself to get ready for breakfast and to see my brothers. Cole will be there a little voice sang in my head. I scowled- my inner self really needs to shut up sometimes.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I ran downstairs and peeked round the door of the kitchen, panting slightly.

'God, you should really work out if you're out of breath from walking down from your room,' a voice spoke, their mouth right next to my ear. Letting out a shriek, I spun around to be faced with Dylan.

'You scared me, you idiot!' I said, shoving him. He laughed, 'Hey, it's not my fault you were peeping round the corner like an idiot.'

I blushed, embarrassed to being caught, 'I wasn't- I just.... ugh, whatever!'

Dylan's laughter still echoing down the hall, I ran away from him, launching myself into the kitchen where the others were looking at me in amusement. Refusing to catch any of their eyes, I looked down as I poured myself some cereal and began to eat it.

'Morning!' A voice yelled in my ear. Glancing up from my bowl, I was met with Jordan's grinning face.

'Morning,' I replied with a smile. I casually glanced round to see if Jordan was with a certain someone, sighing when I didn't see him. Just as I was about to speak again, a hand sneaked round my side, stealing my awaiting spoonful of Cheerio's. With lighting speed, I turned around, a murderous glare on my face- nobody steals my breakfast. There- my spoon is his mouth- sat Cole, a shit-eating smirk on his face.

'Hey, Alyssa. Sleep well?' He asked, reaching into my bowl to gather some more cereal onto my spoon. I looked at him in disgust, prying his hands of the spoon as I spoke slowly, 'I slept fine.'

He rolled his eyes as I cleaned the spoon on the corner of my shirt- so what if we'd kissed, he probably hadn't brushed his teeth yet- and an idea of revenge sparked in my head. Smiling slyly, I stared Cole dead in the eye as I licked my lips, raising the spoon to my mouth. Swallowing the spoonful, I moaned slightly, still looking him dead in the eyes. I had to contain my laughter when I saw him gulp, his eyes darkening as they watched my lips.

'Well,' I said, standing up abruptly, 'That was lovely, thanks.' Sending one last smirk Cole's way, I walked out of the room, aware of an extra pair of eyes watching me leave. 


Walking into school, I made sure to stick next to Jared in an effort to stay away from the lingering stares that Cole were sending my way. Sure enough, I managed to avoid him, squeezing my way through the crowds (perks of being small) after sending him one last middle finger.

Grabbing my books from my locker, I went to my first class which was English. Luckily, Willow and Lyra were in this class and I sighed in relief when I saw them, planting myself down in-between them. They both stared at me with wide eyes, Lyra's mouth hanging open while Willow looked at me unimpressed with her arms crossed.

'What?' I asked, touching my face self-consciously, 'Why are you looking at me like that?' Willow shook her head at my question, giving a nod to Lyra who looked so worked up, there might as well have been steam coming out of her ears.

'WHAT?' Lyra practically screamed at me. I paled- damn, this was nearly as scary as when Wyatt was mad at me. Lyra mumbled incoherently before taking a deep breath and jabbing her finger at me.

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