c h a p t e r 16- the aftermath

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I woke up the next day a mess. Hair plastered to my face, eyes bloodshot and my under eyes making me appear as if I was a character in a Tim Burton movie, I looked horrible. Only bothering to put my hair in a bun and sling on a hoodie and shorts, I opened my door, stepping over Jordan who appeared to have slept there, and ran out the house. No way was I riding with one of my brothers today- I would rather walk, even if it was going to take me to over an hour.

Last night had been...eventful. After I found out that my family were in a god damn gang- because they couldn't have just had a normal job like a doctor or something- I had basically ran away which, when I think about it, was possibly the worst reaction I could've had. I had then spent the rest of the night obsessing over everything, henceforth leading to my state this morning- sleep deprived, no make-up and my clothes looking like I hadn't washed or ironed them in over a month.

I got to school 30 minutes early, receiving a lot of dodgy looks from students passing by. I scowled, pushing on my sunglasses and tightening my hood around my neck.

'Well, you look like shit,'

I spun around to see Cole, his hair tangled and eyes bloodshot- no doubt the results from last night's events- but, nevertheless, still grinning. I smiled sarcastically at me, 'Yeah, nothing beats finding out your family is actually a part of a gang.'

Cole's grin faded and he ran his hands through his hair, obviously not expecting such a blunt answer.

'Yeah, I know but they still do good stuff, you know? They don't hurt anyone innocent.' He spoke softly, looking at me deeply. Enveloped in his eyes, I nodded. I got what he was saying, it was more of the fact that they were NEVER gonna tell me- they were going to continue to lie to me and I didn't know if I could forgive them for that just yet. Plus, it was quite a bombshell that Wyatt had dropped on me- I mean, he had literally just said, as bluntly as possible, that they were a part of a gang. And I'm guessing by how rich they were, that it wasn't a small part either.

Before I could speak any further to Cole, a hoarse voice shouted out from down the hallway.

'She's here! Guys!'

I turned to see Dylan, Jordan and Jared sprinting down the corridor, halting to a stop in front of me. Taking in their appearances, I saw that I wasn't the only one who'd had a rough night. All three were supporting crinkled clothing items, red eyes and hair disheveled from running their hands through it way too many times. They too stared at me and I pushed down my sunglasses a little further down my face to observe their faces. Dylan looked angry- what a surprise- Jared looked, well actually, he had his normal blank stare so I couldn't tell, and Jordan looked concerned. We continued to stare at each other for like 5 more minutes, daring the other to speak. I raised my eyebrows- they really thought I was the one who had explaining to do?

Jordan cleared his throat, 'Look, we know what Wyatt said last night may have been a bit of a...shock,' I snorted- hmm, yeah just a tiny shock. Jordan frowned at my reaction, continuing, 'What I'm trying to say is that we know it's hard to except but if you give us a chance to explain, it may seem less weird.'

 They looked in hope towards me, my face not giving away any emotions. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed each of them by the arm, including Cole and pushed them into a classroom before locking the door behind me.

'Look guys, I'm not angry at the fact you're in a gang. I mean, yeah, it's surprising and insane but it kind of figures. Like, you have an out of bound floor, you're filthy rich and everyone here's scared of you. But what I am angry about is the lying. You could have told me, you know? I mean it's probably more dangerous for me to not know. So, yeah, I'm not sure if I can forgive you yet if I'm gonna be real honest.' I finished of my little speech with a thumbs up, bouncing forwards from where I was leaning on a desk and patting them each on the back before trying to leave. Key word- trying.

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