c h a p t e r 17- a night at the fair

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outfit ^^^

'Get your ass down here, we're gonna be late!'

I yelled at Jordan, tugging at my baby blue skirt and adjusting my hoodie. I had seen the disapproving look Aaron had given it but knew he was nice enough to not say anything- my other brothers probably wouldn't be so nice about it, explaining why I was sat in Jared's car waiting for the others. I chewed on my lip, texting on the group chat that consisted of me, Lyra, Willow and Xavier.

Me: What you guys wearing tonight

Willow: Bitch you're dressed? I haven't even got out of bed yet

Me: Not all of us can look naturally beautiful hoe

Lyra: Well I'm wearing crop top and jeans

Xavier: why am I even on this group chat if you're gonna talk about shit like this

Willow: Please, you secretly love it

Me: All right my brothers are coming, see you there xoxo

I clicked of my messages, rolling my eyes as Jordan crawls into the back with me, Jared taking the front.

'Finally,' I muttered. I received a gentle shove in my direction, Jordan secretly flipping me off as I stuck my tongue out at him. The rest of the journey consisted of me and Jordan singing wildly to Taylor Swift- Jared insisted that he wouldn't sing to that 'girly shit' although I'm pretty sure I saw his mouth moving more than once- and me continually shouting to Jared to slow down when he went too fast- he acted like he was in some kind of action film or something.

Finally, we arrived at the fair, the outline of the rides illuminating the night sky. Flashing them a smile, I attempted to climb out of the car.

'Uh no, where do you think you're going?' Jared said, locking the doors while Jordan grabbed my waist and yanked me back into my seat. I rolled my eyes, 'I don't need babysitting and I'm pretty sure none of you want that job anyway.' Jared looked at me, unconvinced.

'Look,' I sighed, 'I'll be with my friends the whole time and this is my first ever fair so I really just want to enjoy it. Please let me do that without feeling like I'm being overly stalked the whole time.'

Jared exchanged a couple of looks with Jordan before grunting, 'Okay, fine but if I find out you were alone for even one second, I won't hesitate to tell Wyatt.'

I gulped at the mention of Wyatt before brushing it off. What's the worst that can happen at a fair?


Spotting Xavier's head poking out of the crowd- thank the heavens he was so tall because he was the only way of finding my friends most of the time- I pushed my way through the crowd before squeezing my arms round Lyra.

'Alyssaaa!' She squealed, hugging me. I smiled at her, returning the hug. Willow and Xavier too turned round, each giving me a small greeting and grin.

'So what do you guys wanna go on first, then?' I asked, looking with wide eyes at the huge rides all around me. Willow and Lyra shared a grin, before shouting, 'Waltzer!'

'Uh no. Absolutely fucking not.' I turned to see Xavier shaking his head, practically shaking. My jaw dropped in shock, 'You don't like rides?'

Xavier suddenly looked rather red, 'No! Just that spinny shit, man it freaks me out,'

I stifled my laughter, looking round to see the Ferris Wheel while Lyra and Willow continued to tease Xavier. Gazing up at the massive wheel, I felt a swell of happiness rise up in me. Here I was, surrounded by my friends, about to have a night of fun and adventure. Last year, the only events I went to were library visit- it was crazy to think of how much had changed.

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