c h a p t e r 2- I have brothers?

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Taking my usual place at the back, I at least tried to listen to what the teacher was saying. However, the searing pain in my side due to my bruised ribs really was not helping. It wasn't until I heard 'Alyssa Matthews please report to the front office' being called from the booming speakers that I truly jerked awake. Oh god. What's happening now.

With shaky legs, I gathered up my stuff and walked out the door, ignoring the accompanying jeers and mocks of 'someone's in trouble'. Reaching the door, I hesitated before taking a deep breath and knocking twice.

'Come in!' a voice calls. Going through, I take in my surroundings. Immediately, I spot the police and another man in a smart Armani suit. Swallowing down my panic, I faced the principle, Mr Briery.

'Hi Alyssa, I'm really sorry to call you out of class like this but unfortunately there's been an accident regarding your mother. She's gotten in a car accident and died on scene. I'm truly sorry for your loss and understand this will be a difficult time for you'.

A faint ringing registered in my ears as I processed what he had just said. My mother. Dead. A numb feeling spread through my body and I simply stopped. Stuck in my mind, I watched as Mr Briery's mouth moved once, twice, a third time. But I was stuck, unable to move. Hands suddenly cupped my face and there was a deep voice telling me to breathe. Just breathe Alyssa. Letting loose a breath I hadn't realised I was holding; I came back into reality. The hand that was gripping my face let go and I looked up to a pair of blue stormy eyes. A lot like mine actually. Caught in his gaze, I quickly looked away shaking my head and focused my attention back on my principle. Trying to find my voice I asked quietly, 'So what happens now? I get sent to an orphanage or...' Honestly, an orphanage couldn't be any worse than what I had already suffered. To my surprise, Mr Briery shook his head.

'Actually, your brothers have offered to take you in. Your moving to Canada, Alyssa.'

At this, my eyes widened. Brothers? No, no my mum never mentioned that we even had any other family, let alone that I had brothers! And more than one by the sounds of it. God, what's even happening right now. The look of shock must have been evident on my face because Mr Briery gently spoke again, 'I know this is a great change for you but you're truly lucky that your brothers are here to take you in. Mr Martínez here is now your guardian.'

At this I once again swiveled my head, mouth now hanging open in shock. This stranger, this blue Armani suited guy who just so happened to prevent me from having a panic attack is my BROTHER. Well, at least it explains the eyes.

pic of Wyatt above title^^

'Come on now Alyssa, we don't have much time before the private jet leaves.' My mouth now is a permanent state of wide open, I just watched as he rose (Jesus, my brother's tall) and walked out. My mind felt like it was in catch up- the only words my mind could actually process were holy, fuck, shit and private jet? Mumbling a weak goodbye, I hurried after the man claiming to be my brother and caught up just as he left the building. 

Outside, a shiny Mercedes was waiting and I silently followed my brother into the back. 'D-do we need to get my stuff from my house?' I asked quietly, secretly cursing myself for stuttering in my head. He raised his eyebrows slightly before replying in the same monotone voice, 'No my men will go there to retrieve everything.' Nodding, I returned my gaze to the window- partly because my new brother was incredibly intimidating and also because I didn't want to talk. Today's events had fully drained me and I felt myself sinking into unconsciousness.  

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