"So I guess you guys are my friends now."

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I had a restless night, filled with nightmares. All of the Red Room, and when I had worked with the Winter Soldier. I remember calling him my Soldat. He called me his Widow. All I remember from him is that all the boys had a metal arm. And they all had their memories wiped. The Winter Soldier program ended just like the Red Room. My Soldat killed all the others. We worked together. Then one day he was called out on a mission, but he never returned to our base. We were told he was compromised, so they moved him to another base, and wiped him. One week after, Uncle Nick found me. He adopted me, and raised me for 3 years to be a perfect SHIELD spy and agent.

The next morning, I got up at 5, even though breakfast was at 7:30. I remember being told about the dance studio. In the Red Room, we were the perfect killers, and perfect ballerinas. I put on my tights, leotard, and put my hair into a tight bun. I always did this when I couldn't sleep. Uncle Nick even put a studio across from my room. I grabbed my pointe shoes, and went to the studio. As soon as I got there, I started to stretch. I did basics, such as pliés and relevés to warm up my legs. I then put on my pointe shoes, and began the routine we were all taught in the Red Room. Odette's solo from Swan Lake. I began to lose myself to the music. I didn't even hear the door open.

As soon as I finished, I heard clapping. I turned to see Pepper standing there in awe, recording my dancing. She turned off her phone, looked at me, and said," don't think for a second that I'm not posting that. That was absolutely amazing." I blushed and looked down. Then I saw something shine out of the corner of my eye. I turned just to see something metal close the door almost silently. "Who was that?" I asked. "I don't know. Judging by the metal arm, probably Bucky. He sometimes comes down here to workout at night. Something about a schedule." I squinted my eyes, shook my head, and turned to her. "What are you doing down here?" "Well, I heard you get up and leave, so I decided to follow you and make sure nothing was wrong, when you came here, began to dance, and I started recording. BTW I already posted your dance." I laughed. "Come on. We should head back."

Once we got to our dorm, I decided to take a shower. "You know, is there a private bathroom or something?" She looked at me, confused. "Oh!" She shouted," yeah we each have our own bathroom that we share with our roommates." I nodded. "Where is it?" "Follow me."

She took me down the hall, to a door that said N.R and V.P' "I get N.R are my initials, but why are yours V.P?" "Oh, my real first name is Virginia." I nodded. "By the way, I designed our bathroom." With that, she walked away. As I opened the door, once again I was in awe.

 As I opened the door, once again I was in awe

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I swear this girl must like pink. I scoffed and took a quick shower, brushed my hairs and teeth, then got dressed in my clothes.

 I scoffed and took a quick shower, brushed my hairs and teeth, then got dressed in my clothes

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As I walked down to breakfast, I realized that I had training first. With Aunt Maria. This was going to be too easy. Who knew my favorite (and only) aunt would be my teacher. Besides, she always has apples and coffee with her. Might as well skip breakfast.

Time/location skip to the gym
"Hey Aunt Maria!" I walked in, gave her a hug, and grabbed an apple and hot coffee from her office. She looked at me and said," Do NOT spill your coffee, Talia." I looked at her and said," Actually, since I'm undercover, it's Tasha." She rolled her eyes. "Go get dressed, Tasha." "Mission uniform?" She nodded. "Got it" I left and put on my mission uniform. (Uniform from the first Avengers) I walked into the gym and sat down in Aunt Maria's chair. "Oh, by the way, you will be my TA in this class." I nodded.

Five minutes later the students began to walk in. I memorized each face. Tony Stark. Bruce Banner. Thor Odinson. Huh. Didn't know we took Gods. Clint Bar- "CLINT!" He looked at me. "NAT!" "Oh my gosh, how's Laura?" "She's good. Has shooting first, then training." I nodded. "Hey weren't you missing after Budapest?" I shook my head. "Nah, Nick wanted me to stay home. Got shot in Odessa by the way." "No way! Can I see the scar?!?!" I laughed. "Sure." I showed him. "Who did it?" I looked down. He sighed. "Lemme guess. Your soldier? Brain put in the blender?" I nodded, a tear escaping my eye. He hugged me. "I wish he could escape them."

I walked over to the other four. "Hi! I'm Natasha Romanoff, the TA." They looked at me. Tony spoke up. "I'm sorry, exactly how old are you?" I smirked. "16. By the way, Anthony Edward Stark, I'm sorry about your parents. Well your mom. Not so much your dad. He was a real piece of sh-" "Nat! C'mere!" "Coming Maria!" I looked at Tony, who was gaping at me. "Close your mouth Anthony. You'll catch flies." And I walked away. Clint walked beside me, laughing. "That was golden!" I rolled my eyes and smirked at him.

After training, I had Languages. I rolled my eyes. Too easy. Inside was an older man who looked like he was going to kill one of us. "Hello students. My name is Mr. Steel, and you will address me as such." He sneered as he saw me giggle. "Что тут смешного. Могу поспорить не понимаете слово которое я говорю." (What's so funny? I bet you don't understand a word I'm saying.) I scoffed. "Старайтесь не говорить на моем родном языке." (Try not to speak my native language.) He glared at me. "What. You said you bet I didn't understand a word you said." He then smiled. "Sonbuca." He then leaned into my ear and said," Hail Hydra." He then jumped out of the window, leaving the class confused, until I started to grow faint. I stood up to follow him when I fell down, seeing a piece of metal and hearing someone saying to get Fury. Then all is saw was black.

S.H.I.E.L.D High School (Winterwidow) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now