Part 21

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"James get back here now!" The school was finally finished being fixed, and, of course, we all kept our rooms. Except for the fact that we were all a lot closer than before. They actually moved our rooms right by each other! All of us! That brings us to now. James snuck into my room and decided to steal my favorite knife. So of course I'm chasing him on the verge of murder.

"You almost hit my head!" I turned around and yanked my knife out of the wall, where he threw it. "But I didn't!" "Yeah, we'll I'm not gonna miss when I throw this at your-!" "Nat no!" I turned to Clint. "Don't murder the idiot." I slowly lowered my arm. "Fine, but you owe me $20 and Starbucks." He nodded. "Agreeable."

I sat at my small desk in my dorm, dying. I grabbed a pillow from my bed, and screamed into it, waiting to just die. I heard a knock at the door, and sighed, getting up. I opened the door to a very excited Peter Parker. "Hey, Pete. What's up?" "ISTOLETONYSTARKSCOMPUTERANDNOWICANACCESSHISAI!" I raised my eyebrow, and he repeated himself. "I stole Tony Starks computer and now I can access his AI." I smiled. "Cool, kid. But how are you gonna bypass his password?"

Long story short, we were now on my bed eating chips and guessing Tony Starks password. "What about FRIDAY? The name of his AI?" I sighed. "No, that would be too easy. But..." I typed in BABYGIRL and somehow it worked. "He always calls it Babygirl. I knew it." He smiled, and got up with the bag of chips. "Thanks, Nat! See you later! Also, I saw Clint fighting with some random guy at Starbucks earlier." I sighed. "Of course he was fighting someone. Anytime, Pete."

I was laying on my bed, cleaning my fingernails with my knife (a/n something I actually do a lot) when Tony burst into my room. "I CANT FIND MY COMPUTER!" I snorted. "Go to sleep. You have massive bags under your eyes. I'll help you look for it after you sleep. Now shoo." He sighed, and started walking out. "Oh, Clint just got banned from the Starbucks on 5th street because he got into a fight with the manager." I smiled. "I know what I'm gonna do today. He got in trouble, right?" He nodded. "Well, time to go get him in even deeper shit."

By the time I got to the Starbucks, Clint was already across the street looking at Apple phones. I walked into Starbucks, and pulled on a nanotech mask, making me look and sound exactly like Clint. "Where the hell is the manager?! I'm not done!" The manager turned red, and walked over to me. "GET THE HELL OUT! GO!" "HOW ABOUT FUCK NO?!" I saw Clint look over at the sound of screams, and he realized what was going on. He ran over, and burst into the shop. "Nat! Seriously?!" The manager looked at both of us, and I pulled off the mask, laughing.

"Oh my god. You're- you're that lady, the Black Widow, you kill people. I'm so sorry." I rolled my eyes. "One iced passion tango tea, please." She nodded quickly, and started making the drink. "Seriously? I'm already banned from this one. It's not my fault that the manager doesn't know how to be nice." "Shut up. I don't wanna know. I don't."

We finally got back to the school, and I saw Thor at a lunch table with Mjölnir, trying to get people to pick it up. "Lady Natasha! How about you try!" "That's not an answer I need, bud." I walked past, and went into the kitchen, where some chicken parm was just sitting, cooling down before dinner. I grabbed some, and left with it going back to my room. Finally a relaxing day.

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