My past, my business.

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A/N for the rest of the book, it'll be Nat's POV. Thnx for reading!!!

I woke up the next day, I cuffed myself, got up, got dressed, and went straight to Maria's office. As soon as I got their I got my file out of where it was kept away from everyone else's. I read through, and realized they only had information about after they saved me. I smirked, put away my file, and walked out just in time for 2 13 year old kids to run by, being chased by a kid my age shouting," Peter! Shuri! Get back here!" They laughed, and the girl, Shuri, shouted back," Not a chance King T'Challa of the cats!" I realized that Peter had a silver necklace with what looked like claws in his hands. I saw Peter jump to the ceiling and hang there, smirking. I heard someone slam a door behind me, and turned around to see 2 more 13 year olds. "Shoot. Heeeyyyyy Ned. MJ." I could tell Peter was in trouble by the way MJ was glaring at him. "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER I DO NOT CARE IF YOU ARE PART SPIDER YOU GET DOWN THIS INSTANT BEFORE I GET YOU DOWN FOR YOU!!!!!!!" I chose that moment to walk away.

While walking away, I realized I had left my phone in the dorm. I walked back just in time to leave before Pepper's alarm went off. I then walked back to the gym, put on my suit, and got ready to teach again.

After training was over, I didn't talk to anyone, I realized I was going into what I called Widow mode. It's where I go emotionless and sometimes hurt people. Luckily Uncle Nick made a room at our house for when I was in Widow mode. I went to his office, and told him about what was happening, again. He brought me to a room filled with robot dummies, punching bags, and water bottles in the back for when I was thirsty. He then left and said that he'll let me out once I'm myself again. As soon as he left I took notice of the shooting range in the back. I grabbed a pistol and began shooting.

After what felt like 5 hours, I heard the door open. I turned and shot the person in the leg. They fell, and I noticed it was Pepper. I quickly walked out of the room, and left to find my mission. Clint Barton. I couldn't fail like I did last time. I saw him, so I charged up my widow's bite and shocked him, causing him to fall to the ground, temporarily paralyzed. I walked away, leaving the school, ready to head home.

Halfway to the airport, I snapped back into myself, and ran back. I saw a SHIELD truck, and ran to it, hoping they saw me. Uncle Nick jumped out and ran to me, hugging me. "Oh Natalia, you have to stop running. What happened?" Quickly told him what happened. He realized what had happened and told me. "You were calmed down when you were getting water, so we thought you were back to normal. We then sent Pepper to get you out. I guess we were a little wrong." I laughed, and we went back to the school. He sent me to Maria's room so I could calm down somewhere where I was close to someone I wouldn't dare hurt. She opened the door, and quickly ushered me in and sat me down, making sure I wasn't hurt.

After she decided I was okay, which was after a LONG time, she let me go to the medical wing to see Pepper and Clint. Luckily both of them understood I wasn't me, and forgave me quickly. Pepper would be in crutches for a while, but Clint was otherwise fine. My widows bites weren't fully charged, so he wouldn't have died or gotten severely hurt.

Pepper asked me why I snapped into Widow mode, but the one thing I told her made her more confused than ever. "My past, my business."

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