How about go away?

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I got up, wanting coffee right now. I snuck into Uncle Nick's office, grabbing the keys for the cafe. I quickly ran to the cafeteria, snuck into the cafe, and made a straight black coffee with vodka in it. Just how I like it. I drank all of it, then ran back into my room only to find it locked and my key gone. "Well well well. If it isn't little Natalia."

I turned to see Yelena Belova, the Brown Recluse. "Yelena. I haven't seen you since the Red Room." She smiled, pulling out a handgun. "You and I are going for a little walk, Talia. C'mon." I followed her, unaware of the boy following us. She took me to Central Park, and forced me to sit down on a bench.

"Madame B misses you. She'll do anything to get you back." "I'm not interested, Recluse. And how about you go away?" She smiled. "You see, Widow, that's where you're wrong. You are interested because if you don't do this, your little Uncle Nick is goin 6 feet under." I scoffed. "You think it's that easy to kill Nick Fury? Nah, you don't know what you're getting yourself into." She jabbed a needle into my neck, obviously prepared by herself. I sat there, looking around as she looked at the needle, confused.

"What?! Why didn't anything happen?!" I laughed. "Oh yeah, I got the super soldier serum in my veins. You didn't know that?" She screamed, and slammed the needle onto the floor. I pulled out a tranquilizer gun, and shot her in the arm, making her fall to the ground asleep. I picked her up, and began making my way back to school. Class probably already started by now.

As I was making my way back, I accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry." I turned and saw their hood had fallen off. "James! What are you doing here?!" He looked down, fiddling with his sleeve. "IsawyougettakenbyYelenasoIdecidedtofollowyoijistincase." I sighed.

"You really are overprotective aren't you?" He smiled, and pulled me into a hug. "I love you, Talia." "I love you too, James." We walked back into school, and locked up Yelena. I went to class, nearly forgetting Yelena, only remembering how James said he loves me. I smiled, happy for the first time that day. And maybe Yelena can give us some information, since the Red Room is supposed to be dead.

S.H.I.E.L.D High School (Winterwidow) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now