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I got up early, and woke up Pepper. "Pep. Pep. PEP." She turned around, and smacked me in the face. "Shut up. Let me sleep." I smiled, and went to our bathroom, filling a bucket with ice cold water. I walked back to our room and slowly poured a little on her face. She shot up, barely missing the bucket with her head. "I'm up."

I laughed and passed her a small towel for her face. "Good. We need to mess with some people. I need you to hack into the database." She took out her phone and began hacking it.

After around 40 something minutes, she passed me her phone. "Just need your uncles password." I tapped in my birthday, his birthday, and his lucky number in that order. "Done. He needs to change it." In case you're wondering, you can hack as far as his private online safe he made himself, but you need a password for that. Until that, you have to hack past all of the different smaller safes to get to his.

I pulled up the live footage, and saw everyone sleeping. I quickly changed the bells for today for random times, messing with everyone's schedule. I turned on all of the faucets in the school and the rooms began to fill with water, until the hallways were 3 feet underwater. I began to flicker all of the lights, and everyone screamed and fell out of their beds. I saw a few people go to open the door, and their rooms were flooded.

After a few minutes, Uncle Nick came into my room, completely drenched. "Wait, Pep, I thought we didn't do the teacher and headmaster's corridor." She looked at the computer we connected to her phone. "We didn't. The water flowed from those hallways into that hallway." I turned to my Uncle.

"The only reason you won't get punished is because you were able to hack everything and get all of this done without me knowing until my room began flooding." I smiled. "The Red Room taught me a lot."

After a while, everyone made it out to the football field. "Now, since everyone's rooms are flooded, due to a certain ex-Red Room spy, you all get a month off from school. Call your parents or guardians or whatever. Go. Shoo." Everyone left to call their parents or guardians or whoever they were staying with, while I walked up to Pepper.

"Same thing next year?" "Yup." We fist bumped, then walked to Starbucks to plan our next prank on the entire school.

S.H.I.E.L.D High School (Winterwidow) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now