I will kill Clint.

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As I took Pepper back to the dorm, something went of in the back of my head telling me to duck. I did. Just in time before a arrow popped a balloon in front of the door, causing loads of glitter to fall all over me. I turned around and saw Clint doubled over in laughter. I walked over to him, grabbed him by the ear and walked him to James's and Steve's room, all while covered in pink and purple glitter.

I banged on the door, and as soon as the door opened, I threw Clint in the ground. "All right super soldiers. Do with the little bird as you please. Don't kill him or injure him to badly. Emotionally scarring him for life is acceptable." And with that I walked away. I heard James catch up to me, and he said," Nat, don't you think you're being a little harsh?" I turned to him and said," Do you remember what the Red Room is like?" He slowly nodded. "I snapped little girls necks. When I was a child. And you think being slightly scarred of 2 big softies is bad?" He slowly walked away.

"By the way, you know we're technically still dating, right?" He smiled at me and nodded, walking back towards me. "Of course Widow. Hydra is just a pain in the butt that we can get rid of, but they can't get rid of us." He kissed me on the cheek, and went back into his room, closing the door. I heard Clint's pleas not to hurt him. I smirked and walked away, back to Pepper, who was smiling.

Time skip 2 weeks later

"Hey Nat, do you think you can ask Fury about giving us a school dance?" I nodded. "Sure Pep. You think Tony will ask you?" "We're dating. If he doesn't I will kill him." Soon I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to see Jane, Laura, and Peggy standing at the door. "We heard you're going to ask Fury about a dance. We know he'll say yes to you, so our squad is helping." (In those 2 weeks we made a girl squad that no one wanted to cross) I nodded.

"Heeeyyy Uncle Nick." He looked at me. "What now?" "Can we pretty please have a school dance?" He sighed and nodded. "It'll be in 1 month. I'll have Maria and Phil set it up." "Thank youuuuuu." I said while closing the door. I'm obviously his favorite person. Anyone else he would've cursed out then said no.

I got back to my room to see the girls waiting. "Peg you're hair. Laura, Jane, makeup. Me and Pep will be in charge of dresses that correspond with our respective boyfriend. Mine will be black and silver, Peps red and gold, Pegs red white and blue, Laura purple and black, and Jane red." They all nodded. "He gave us one month. Now let's get shopping ladies!" I texted Nick what the theme I decided will be. "By the way, the theme is........."

A/N vote what you want the theme to be! Tomorrow at 1 pm I will use one of the following for the next chapter:
-Fairy tale
Moving the voting date back to Saturday. Once I get more votes, on Saturday I will do the theme.

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