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"Clint! Come on! We're gonna be late for the mission!" "Coming. Dear lord." I walked over and smacked him on the back of his head. "Hurry!" He FINALLY finished packing, and we made our way out to the jet.

After a few hours, we made it to the hotel we were staying at. "Reservation for the Blake family. (Random kids name at my school) Our parents will be joining us later." The man at the desk nodded, giving us our room key.

After finally finding our room, we both went to our separate rooms and unpacked. "So, what's the mission?" I gave him the file. "So, we're only dropping off a file to a SHIELD operative here? That's it?" I nod. "Takes a week too." He looked at me with wide eyes.

After unpacking, we went to the grocery store, where the operative worked undercover. "Hello. Weathers nice isn't it?" I smile. "Yes, but I always make sure to check before leaving." He smiled back. "As do I, as well as bringing my raincoat." I gave him the file, and we left.

After we got back to the hotel, we went up to the room. "Wanna binge Star Wars?" I shrug. "Why not? Want some ramen?" He nods. "Okay. You get the movies set up, I'll start cooking."

1 week later

"So, we agree to treat Budapest as a super secret mission, and reference it to tick people off?" He nods. "Absolutely. It'll drive people crazy." We high-five, and go back to our dorms.

"How was Budapest?" I look up to see Bucky, Steve, and Peggy. "It was good." "What happened?" I smirk. "Confidential information. We posed as siblings, that's all you'll get. Don't worry. We stayed true to our SO's." With that, I walked away.

A/N: Sorry it's short, but I wanted Budapest to be like, the most boring mission ever, and have Nat and Clint treat it like the most secretive mission ever. Anyways, shoutout to anybody who's not insane yet. I'm getting their, but Hamilton and Jersey Boys is keeping me sane. Anyways, have a great day!

S.H.I.E.L.D High School (Winterwidow) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now