Chapter 2

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The Riddle House was constantly bustling with activity. People running everywhere for various reasons, whether for preparations for the upcoming wedding or after the escaped twin kittens was unclear. At the moment all was quiet and Harry and Tom were having a nice lie-in, the one of many since the twins started sleeping through the night, when an owl delivering the morning paper came.

Tap Tap Tap

Tom rolled over onto his side and blinked his eyes open, "It's the Prophet."


Tap Tap Tap

"Are you going to get it?"

Tap Tap Tap

"You go get it," Harry murmured snuggling into the covers.

Tom sighed and got up, stretching his tired muscles.

Tap Tap-

"Alright! I'm coming you bloody bird," Tom snapped grumpily. He made his way across the room and opened the window. He took the rolled-up newspaper and paid the bird and shut the window when it left. He walked back to the bed while opening the newspaper. Catching sight of the front page he stopped. "This is it," he whispered.

Harry rolled over onto his side to look at him, "What is it?"

Tom walked the rest of the way to the bed and showed him the front cover. Harry sat up, suddenly wide awake, and took the newspaper from him. This was what they had been waiting for, the beginning of their new life. On the front was the picture of both Harry and Tom that they had posed for a few days ago during the interview they gave. All part of the plan Dumbledore and Tom had agreed to, to make Voldemort gone for good.


Harry's face split into a big smile, "Its over," he whispered.

"Yes. It is," Tom said simply. They both sat completely still for a minute before Harry jumped into his arms.

"It's over, it's over!" he exclaimed, repeatedly kissing Tom on the mouth and toppling them over on the bed.

Tom held Harry close and felt as if a gigantic weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He never knew what a big burden it was to be a Dark Lord and to try and take over the wizarding world until now when all of it was no longer a part of him.

"Well?" Harry asked looking down at him.

"Well, what?"

"How does it feel to not be a Dark Lord anymore?"

Tom thought for a moment, "Liberating? Relieved? I don't really know."

Harry giggled and swooped down to kiss him deeply, but as soon as it started to get interesting he pulled away head cocked to the side and his cat ears swiveling around. Harry then smiled and jumped off the bed and went through the adjoining door to the nursery. "Look who decided to wake up and join in the celebration," he said coming back through the door holding two sleepy kittens.

Tom sat up as Harry dropped them down on his chest where they ran around on the bed stopping occasionally to lick his face or beg to be petted. "They sure are energetic this morning."

"Yes, I know. Maybe it's the good vibes going around," Harry said pausing and turning his ears to the side, he smiled, "Seems like Ray and the others are already celebrating."


Harry nodded, "Raja! What have I said?" Harry scolded his kitten, grabbing onto her backside and pulling her away from the edge. Green-blue eyes looked up at him innocently before she took off again after her brother who was climbing up Tom's legs. Both of them had started to notice that Raja was a little daredevil, always getting into things; she had already attempted to jump off their bed twice already which was more than Harry had done when he was stuck as a small cat.

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