Chapter 5

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"It won't be that bad. Once they get to know you..." Harry said as he tugged on Tom's arm to lead him up to the Burrow. When Tom still looked unsure, he sighed and put the kitten's basket down and wrapped his arms around him, "It'll be okay."

Tom said nothing, nodding.

Finally, it was the dreaded day for Tom. The meeting of Harry's 'family.' It wasn't that he was afraid of them; it was more of what they would think of him. He had been a Dark Lord after all. Harry's constant reassurances weren't helping.

...Well maybe they were a little. But it still didn't get rid of the uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Harry led the way up the drive and peered into the door that had the top half open. "Hello!" he called and opened the rest of the door to let himself in.

"Oh, Harry!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed getting up from the kitchen table and coming forward to hug him close. "It's so good to see you."

"Hi, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said hugging her back and holding the basket to the side so it wouldn't get squished, "It's good to see you too."

"Look at you, you're so thin!" she said holding him at arm's length.

"You always say that," Harry said with a grin and turned to greet everyone else in the room, "Hey everyone. Looks like everyone came to see me. I'm flattered," he teased the crowded table full of Order members.

"Don't let it get to your head boy," Moody growled his eye rotating around in its socket.

"Got it."

"Wotcher Harry."

"Hey Tonks," Harry greeted.

The pink-haired Auror grinned, "You're certainly a sight for sore eyes."

"I could say the same," Harry said with a cheeky grin eying her hair. He turned to the man behind her, "Hi Moony" he said quietly curling his tail around his thigh. The last time he had seen the man was when Tom had taken him away. It hadn't been an easy parting.

Remus stared at him for a moment before opening his arms which Harry dove into, snuggling close, "It's so good to see you, Harry."

"You too, Remus. I've missed you."

"Me too," he said holding him close, "Have you been okay?"

"I've been fine. Wonderful. Better than wonderful...In-"

Remus chuckled, "I get the point." Harry grinned up at him and snuggled into him even more.

"Guess you really are..."

"... happy to see him," Fred and George said in unison with identical grins.

" Huh?" Harry paused and realized he was purring and pulled away from Remus blushing, "Sorry." He muttered while everyone chuckled, "Ever since I got turned into a cat, I've been really touchy-feely with everyone. I thought it would go away but...I think it's here to stay. It's kind of blended into my personality."

"That explains..."

"...a lot," The twins chorused and each ruffled an ear as they passed making Harry hiss at them at the cruelty to his ears.

"Eeeee! Harry!!" Hermione exclaimed jumping the last step of the stairs and hugging him tightly.

"Hi Hermione," Harry managed to get out.

"Hey, let the man breathe," Ron said from behind her, "How are you doing mate?"

"I'm doing good. Just keeping busy."

"Where's..." Hermione said expectedly.

Harry frowned and looked behind him, "Oh, co-" he turned around and went back outside and grabbed a hold of Tom's arm; who was hiding just outside the door and lead him into the house.

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