Chapter 4

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Green-blue eyes blinked open and gazed around the small bed sleepily; looking up at the light streaming in through the little holes in the blanket that covered their bed. A little black kitten yawned and continued her search and promptly spotted her brother curled up across from her. She stretched out in a true kitten-like way and flexed her tiny claws before she went over to him and pounced. Felix, wake up! It's morning!

Felix, the other fluffy black kitten opened his blue-green eyes and blinked up at his sister and quickly closed them again, S'eepy.

Come on Felix, get up, get up! Raja mewed at him swinging her tail with her behind raised in the air.

Okay, okay. I'm up, he said yawning and stretching. He moved before she could jump on him again.

Yay! She exclaimed hopping around the small space and tangling herself in the blankets, What should we do today? She asked while on her back, little claws caught up in the blankets above her.

Felix tilted his head to the side, Mmm, I don't know. Where haven't we explored yet?

The place with all the light?

No, we did that one forever ago. about the dark place downstairs?

Daddy said not to go down there remember?

Oh yeah, she said thoughtfully flattening her ears, How about the big place with all the windows and tables?

Felix thought for a moment, I don't think we have explored in there yet... Okay! We'll go there! He pounced on his sister. They continued to play around for a little while until they heard a noise.

They stopped their roughhousing and perked their ears to listen. Their patience was rewarded with the sound of a door opening and soft footsteps.

Mommy! Raja mewed and they both jumped to the opening in the blanket. The blanket over the basket was moved and they saw their mother's face. They scrambled all over each other to reach him first.



Move over. Me first!

No, me first. Mommy loves me more!

No, he doesn't, he loves me more!

They continued to wrestle for his attention, but their mother just chuckled and picked them both up, "How are my little angels this morning?"

Fine, they both mewed at him and licked his face in good morning when he cuddled them close.

Harry gave them each a kiss on top of their furry heads and got up and moved to the bedroom. He put them on the floor and let them explore around the room within sight while he got dressed.

Felix looked around the room with a curious glint in his eyes, Where's Daddy?

Raja blinked and looked around as well, I don't know. Let's ask Mommy. The two of them ran up to Harry and jumped at his legs to get his attention and conveyed their question with their insistent mews and curious expression.

Harry looked down at them and tried to understand what they wanted. It took a moment before finally, he understood, "Ah. You're looking for daddy aren't you?"

Yes! They exclaimed.

"Listen. See if you can find him," their mother said.

They both paused and perked up their ears to listen. Raja heard it first and scampered to a door where she could hear running water. She put her front paws on the door and turned her big eyes back at her mother with a mewed, Daddy's in here!

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