Chapter 11

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The day of the wedding came bright, clear and sunny with no clouds in the sky. It truly was the perfect weather for a wedding. Harry woke up slowly as the sunlight from between the blinds hit his face. He suddenly sat up straight and smiled widely, he threw the covers off of his and threw the door open, "I'm getting married today!!!" he shouted out.

Two squeals came from the floor above him followed by running footsteps. Harry joined Hermione and Ginny down to the main floor where Molly Weasley was already in the kitchen making breakfast. "Good morning you three. Big day today," she greeted them with a smile at Harry.

"Morning," they chorused.

"I can't believe it's finally here," Harry said accepting a cup of coffee.

"I know," Hermione said excitedly, "By this time tomorrow you will be Harry Riddle...or whatever you are going to be called," she trailed off uncertainly.

"Yeah, you have it right. I'm taking Tom's name, so it will be Harry Riddle. It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"I think so," Ginny said, "And you are a riddle in and of itself."

Harry laughed, "Right?"

"So what's the plan today?"

"Well," Hermione started, "We're due over at Narcissa's at 7:30 that gives us three and a half hours to get ready and be at your house by 9:30, Wedding's at 10."

"Okay then, I'll go get the twins us and get Ron while I'm up there."

"Alright then, hurry before breakfast gets cold," Mrs. Weasley called as Harry ran up the stairs.

"Will do!"

By 7:15 everyone was ready to go and they took a port key to Malfoy Manor. As soon as they got there, there was a rush to get everyone ready. Everyone was directed to a room where their stuff was hanging waiting for them along with anything else they might need; Narcissa had really outdone herself with the preparations. It wouldn't take long for Harry to get ready, but the girls went off to do whatever girl stuff that needed to be done and Harry got the twins ready.

It took a while but eventually, with a lot of splashing and a soaked floor later, the twins were freshly bathed, fur was brushed, and ears were cleaned and then they were put into their new frilly dress and little tux made especially for them.

Raja's dress was completely white with a red sash wrapped around her waist and tied in a bow at the back. Her tail came out of the back just before the ruffles started and after the knot of the bow. It was complete with little red ribbons tied as bows in her hair just behind her ears; she looked like a little angel. Felix was simply dressed in black designer robes with a white shirt and red clip-on tie that Harry was having a hard time keeping on him as he kept pulling it off.

"Aw, look at you two!" Harry exclaimed sitting them next to each other in the living room of Malfoy Manor, "You're so cute."


Harry turned around at Hermione's voice, "Wow Hermione...You look...Wow."

Hermione blushed but turned around for him. The dress was a deep blood red as were all the bridesmaid dresses were. It was a strapless dress and it fell all the way to the floor and a darker red sash tied around the middle and into a bow at the back. It was very formfitting on her and showed her every curve. Her hair was up off her shoulders with little ringlets coming down the sides of her face. "What do you think?"

"You look great. Ron will love it," he added with a smirk.

Hermione blushed even more, "S-Shut up. Now you! You have to get ready!"

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