Chapter 6

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Christmas was an exciting yet tiring affair. It was the twins' first Christmas and Harry wanted everything to be perfect. He made sure he had got the biggest tree he could find and had Tom help him put on the lights and ornaments all by hand, much to Tom's displeasure. Stockings were hung on the fireplace, mistletoe in the doorway, reef on the front door, and garland wrapped around the railing of the staircases. Harry knew he went a little overboard but he didn't care and neither did Tom. Everything had to be perfect.

All of Harry's hard work had paid off. The house was beautiful and brightly lit compared to what it had been before Harry had shown up. What had once been a dark and gloomy house was now a warm and loving home. The twins were too young to fully appreciate or to understand what it all meant, they only knew that they were allowed to make a mess for once.

And a mess they did make.

Come Christmas morning, Harry woke the twins up and put little green and red bows with bells around their necks and took them downstairs where Tom was waiting, fiddling with the camera. Then they sat down in front of their tree and opened presents for the first time as a family. As soon as the twins understood what was happening they attacked the festive paper with vigor, tearing it to shreds with their tiny claws.

They didn't even pay attention to what was inside the paper, having too much fun with just the paper. So the kitten toys, toddler toys, and clothes (for when they did turn back to normal) and other things that Tom and Harry had bought for them went back under the tree for a later time.

Then it was time for Tom and Harry to exchange gifts.

"Here. This is for you," Tom said pulling out a rectangular box.

Harry laughed softly and shook his head, "You've already given me two beautiful little angels, we're getting married, the war is over...What can you possibly have left to give me?"

"Well, when you put it that way, this seems really insignificant," Tom said withdrawing it back.


Tom laughed and handed the wrapped box over. Inside was a beautiful diamond necklace shaped like the letter 'H.'

"Oh, Tom. It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it," He said, "I thought about getting one for the twins, but..."

"They haven't changed back yet," Harry finished.

"Yes, but also... Look what they did to the paper."

Harry looked at the shreds of wrapping paper, "Oh."


Harry laughed, "Put it on me," he said giving the box to him and turning around. "We need to clean up," he commented as Tom clasped the necklace around his neck.

"Yes. I told everyone to come at five."

Harry glanced at the clock on the wall, "Yikes! It's already noon! There's so much to do!"

Harry jumped up and pulled Tom up and they started to clean up the mess the twins had made.

It took a while; with a little scare when they couldn't find Raja, but she had been under the tree springing upwards in her brave attempts to hit a tree ornament, they eventually had the floor spotless. But they still had plenty to do.

Five hours later, everything was finished. Dinner was almost ready, with the smells of an excellent feast coming from within and the table was set. The twins were clean from a warm bath with their red and green bows around their necks. Harry and Tom were also freshly washed and dressed. Now, all there was to do was to wait for their guests.

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