Chapter 13

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True to his word, Tom ravished Harry all four nights that they were there, the tempo varying with what mood they were in at the time. But besides the sex, they went on a tour of the island, swam often, and relaxed on the beach. Harry, making Tom help him, made a really big sandcastle with no magic; just some buckets, water, and sand. When they were done they felt accomplished, it was fun as neither of them had made one before. They took pictures of it of course, as did other people who came by to watch. They had also gone scuba diving, and that had been something to see. They also ate out every night at fancy restaurants and bought souvenirs for various people. One night they even dared each other to go skinny dipping in the ocean outside their hotel room...which led to them making love on the beach. Thank god for magic or they would have been caught. They had laughed themselves silly when a muggle couple had been standing only a few feet from where Tom had been pounding into him; it had only made it even more erotic.

All in all, they were having a great time.

Eventually, the time came for them to go home. Though they would miss their short reprieve from reality, they were both eager to get back home to their twins.


"Oh, my kitties! Mommy missed you soooo much!" Harry gushed as he held Raja and Felix close. The twins mewed and giggled their happiness at seeing their parents again.

"How'd they do?" Tom asked Molly.

"Oh, they were fine. The first day they were a little fussy, but Fred and George came over and kept them entertained," she replied.

"Oh no," Harry said handing Raja to Tom who proceeded to kiss her chubby cheeks, "Merlin only knows what they picked up from them."

"Can't be any worse from what they pick up from you," Tom said.

Harry glared at him, "You're just like Hermione." Tom only smirked. "Anyway, really the twins were okay? No trouble?" he asked.

"No, they were perfect angels," she sighed, "It's so nice to have children in the house. With Ginny and Ron at school, this place gets pretty quiet."

"Must be nice," Tom commented as Raja began babbling away to her brother.

"Oh don't get me wrong it is nice, but after having all the noise all the time..."

"You got used to it?" Harry answered and she nodded, "Well, we'll let you watch them from time to time...if that's okay."

"Oh! Of course, it is. I would love to watch them again. They're such cute little things."

Harry smiled, "Good, I think Tom and I would like some alone time once in a while," he said winking at his husband who smirked back.

"So? How was your honeymoon?" Molly asked.

"It was great! We had so much fun!" Harry said, "It was so beautiful over there. Clear skies, sunny and the water was so blue. We made this huge sandcastle out on the beach. I took pictures but I haven't had them developed yet. I'll show them to you when I do."

"I look forward to it," Molly said with a smile.

"Well, we'll take these two off your hands now. Say bye-bye," he said to Felix and he curled his fingers in her direction. Harry smiled and got up to give Molly a hug. "Thank you for taking care of them."

"It's no problem."

"Goodbye Molly," Tom said with a slight bow of his head.

"Oh, none of that, you're family now," she said and gave Tom a big hug. Harry's eyes widened in surprise as did Tom's. Harry had to hide his smile at the bewildered look on Tom's face. Molly pulled back and patted his cheek, "You take care of yourselves now you hear," she said looking at both of them.

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