Chapter 12

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The Reception lasted well into the night and into the next morning. There was a lot of dancing, drinking, toasts to wish them well and lots of food. The cake had arrived on time; beautiful in all its finished glory and it tasted delicious too. Hermione had caught the bouquet making both her and Ron blush as red as the roses. And the Weasley twins and the Lestrange brothers proved to be the life of the party. All in all, it was fun and exhausting.

By the time everyone had left it was starting to get light out and the ones that stayed over went to bed and slept until noon. The only ones who had a full night's sleep were the twins, having gone to bed way before everyone else.

Harry yawned as he settled back against the couch with Felix curled up in his lap and Raja lying down beside him playing with her feet. The twins had woken him up early because they were hungry and he had finally gotten them to settle down, but now they didn't want to go back to sleep.

"Morning Harry!"

Harry jerked in surprise, "Hermione? You scared me!"

"Sorry," she said, not looking sorry at all, "So?"

"So? What?" he asked confused.

"Come on Harry. Yesterday you got married, last night was your wedding night..." she trailed off suggestively.

Harry blushed and laughed, "Actually nothing happened."

"No? I thought Tom would have jumped you as soon as you were behind closed doors."

Harry blushed even brighter, "I'm sure he would've but we were both exhausted. We fell asleep as soon as we went to bed."

"Sorry. I didn't think the party would go on for so long."

"It's okay. I had fun. What are you doing up anyway?"

"I was going to get started on cleaning up, but the house elves beat me to it," she said.

"Yeah. They're very proficient. So who stayed over? Do you know?"

"Well almost everyone went home. Remus stayed though and most of the Weasley's. I don't know who stayed on Tom's side."

"All of them probably," Harry said, "Rodolphus and Rabastan wouldn't pass up a sleepover."

"Ha ha. Right?"

"Harry. There you are. I was wondering where you went."

Harry turned his head and smiled at his husband, "I'm right here. Motherly duty called," he said rubbing Felix's back and he purred. "I'm surprised you didn't wake up with all the noise they were making."

"I didn't hear them," Tom said sheepishly and picked up Raja so he could sit down. She cooed at him and curled against his shoulder.

"No kidding you were completely out of it. But I don't blame you, last night was exhausting. I just have sensitive hearing."

"Don't I know it. There's nothing those ears of yours can't pick up," Tom chuckled and started scratching behind his ears. Harry shut his eyes and purred as he leaned into his hand. "Like that?" Tom asked huskily red eyes gleaming with need and Harry nodded.

Hermione cleared her throat.

Harry jumped at the sound and Tom turned in surprise but quickly hid it, "Good morning Hermione."

"Morning," she smiled as Harry blushed and batted Tom's hand away in embarrassment. "Sooo... What's first on the agenda?"

"Eating first. I'm starving," Harry announced getting up and cradling Felix in his arms.

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