Chapter 3

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Harry looked out the window at the snow-covered ground from Tom's office. The months had passed by quickly. The only exciting thing they did was celebrating the twins' five-month birthday with a little get together. Oh and of course the little scare they had last month when Felix had gotten himself stuck in the drain in the bathroom. It had taken hours to get him out. Thank Merlin there hadn't been any water in the tub at the time. They still didn't know how he got in there in the first place.

Now it was a few days until Christmas and they were scheduled to be at the Burrow in two days. Tom was a little nervous at meeting Harry's 'family,' though he wouldn't admit it. But Harry knew. At that moment the twins were asleep in their basket in the nursery while Tom was going through his mail. Harry was currently bored out of his mind, curled up on the window seat gazing at the falling snow.

"Let's go outside," Harry suddenly said breaking the silence.

Tom looked up from his letter and glanced out the window, "It's snowing."

"So? Come on Tom! Let's go!" Harry said jumping up and pulling on Tom's arm, "We can make a snowman."

"A snowman, huh?" Tom asked thoughtfully getting up and following Harry down the hall, "I don't think I've ever made one before."

Harry abruptly stopped and spun around, "You've never made a snowman?"

Tom shook his head, "I always thought it was childish and stupid," he tilted his head to the side in thought, "but it always looked like fun."

"It is fun. Now we have a reason to go outside."

So they bundled up in their jackets and scarves in their respective colors, and in Harry's case a hat to cover his sensitive ears. They told Ray where they were going and to keep an ear out for the twins and Harry grabbed his camera and they headed outside.

The first thing they did was take pictures of the soft white, freshly fallen snow, not yet been touched by anyone or anything. Then they proceeded to destroy the image by running through it. Tom never knew how fun it was to just simply run around in the like a maniac without a care in the world.

They built a snowman and wanting to be different they took some twigs and gave it horns, a tail, and a pitchfork, making it into a devil snowman. That made them laugh for some time and Harry took a picture of it with each of them next to it. Then deciding that the devil snowman was lonely, he made him a partner complete with wings and a halo and took a picture of that too. They ran around some more until Harry tackled Tom to the ground where they rolled around before making snow angels which quickly turned into a full-blown snowball fight. Harry had taken a picture of Tom when he had hit him with one, capturing the moment perfectly when the snowball impacted Tom's face. Pictures and snowballs being exchanged in the battle, and then no pictures and twice as many snowballs. Magic was very handy in these types of situations. Eventually, they were too cold to continue and went inside.

"Burrr! It's cold!" Harry said as Tom closed the door behind them.

"Indeed," Tom said putting his own coat and scarf in the closet near the door and wrapped his arms around him, "I can think of a way to warm us up."

"Can you?" Harry asked slyly. Tom smiled slightly before slapping him in the butt to get him moving. Harry squealed and ran up the stairs, Tom right behind him.

They stopped several times on their way to their bedroom, Tom pressing Harry against the walls and kissing him. Later, when they had settled down, Tom would laugh hysterically and in Harry's case, blush in embarrassment after remembering that they had seen Rick starting down the hallway, see the Dark Lord and the Boy Who Lived kissing and groping each other and had turned right back around. Of course, at the time they didn't care.

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