Chapter 10

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The days before the wedding were chaotic at best. House elves scrambled about the mansion with decorations, flowers, and other wedding necessities. Narcissa was over constantly; directing house elves with the wedding arrangements. Everything was coming along and the house looked absolutely beautiful. Tom and Harry were busy all day long, Harry rearranging things as he saw fit and Tom making sure everything ran smoothly with the warding and that the Ministry Official would arrive at the appointed time. But the nights were theirs. Then, they could find comfort and relaxation in each other's arms...but that was it. All they did was lay there. Harry had declared celibacy at the beginning of the week and had stuck to it no matter how much Tom pleaded.

"I said no! And that's final!"


"I already told you," Harry muttered turning away to adjust the centerpiece on one of the tables.

"No, you didn't. You just said 'No sex until we're married' and that was it," Tom said, clearly irritated.

"Yeah, that's what I said."

"That's not an answer. Come on Harry, I'm dying here!"

"What from lack of sex?" Harry asked dryly.

"Yes!" Tom answered seriously.

Harry blushed, "It's...kind of stupid."

Tom rubbed at his forehead and prayed for patience. "I just want to know why you won't let me touch you."

"It's just that..." Harry fidgeted, smoothing the tablecloth repeatedly to erase invisible wrinkles, "The wedding night is supposed to be the first time a know. And I know we haven't followed that, but...I just want..." Realization hit Tom and he smiled softly. Harry blushed and looked away. "See, it's stupid."

"It's not stupid," he said folding Harry into his arms, "I just wish you would have told me sooner."

"You're not mad?" Harry asked peeking up at him.

"No. But it makes more sense than 'because I said so.'"


"It's okay."

So Tom had to suffer through the rest of the week of having Harry so close yet so far away; it was starting to drive him mad. It helped a little that Harry was just as antsy as he was, but only a little.

The day before the wedding came bright and clear and with a loud knock at their bedroom door.

"Who's that?" Harry asked Tom sleepily.

"Don't know. Maybe they'll go away," Tom muttered into Harry's neck.

The knocking persisted. "Ugh! Who the hell is it so early in the damn morning?" Tom grumbled as he stomped over to the door, swinging it open with a glare.

Hermione and Ginny blinked stupidly at a half-naked and clearly angry Tom.

"Uh...H-Hi" Hermione stuttered.

"Ms. Granger," Tom said icily, "What, pray tell me, are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, well, uh..."

"Will you please put some clothes on!" Ginny burst out, face as red as her hair.

Tom looked down at his bare chest and low riding pajama bottoms and smirked down at her, "I do have clothes on."

"T-That's--" Ginny stuttered.

"Tom put a shirt on," Harry said from behind him.

"You're wearing it."

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