Chapter 8

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With the wedding less than two months away it was finally time for Harry to go and pick out his outfit. He had put it off for a while because simply put, he hated shopping, for himself that was. Sure he could shop tirelessly for the twins and Tom and his friends, but for himself... He just didn't know what to get. That was why he enlisted the help of his friends, the female ones at least.

Harry had to beg Dumbledore to let Hermione and Ginny out of school for the day to help him. Well, he didn't really have to beg per say, he just had to give him the torturous kitty eyes and he had given in. Those two along with the older, sophisticated Narcissa Malfoy his three wise ones were complete.

Now he just had another problem to worry about...

"You sure you're going to be alright?" Harry asked for the third time as he put his shoes on.

Tom rolled his eyes, "I'll be fine. I think I can manage for a few hours."

"I'm sorry, I just...I-I've never left them alone before."

"Hey! What am I then?" Tom asked with a teasing hurt expression.

Harry smiled and got up, "You know what I mean," he said pushing him slightly on the chest and then hugging him.

Tom hugged him back, "We'll be fine."

Harry sighed and stepped back, "Okay then," he picked up his jacket off the bed and walked out the door, his kittens scampering out in front of him. He scooped them up as he headed down the stairs, "Now do you have everything that you need? Toys, milk, blankets..."

Tom stopped him when they reached the bottom of the stairs, "We'll be fine, I know what I'm doing. Plus, I'll have Raymond here to help me."

Harry looked down at his kittens who were sitting comfortably in his arms, quietly listening to their parents talk, then back up at Tom "Okay."

"Good," Tom said wrapping his arms carefully around him, "Now. Have fun while you're out there and don't worry about how much you're spending. Spoil yourself."

"But-" Harry started, but Tom gave him a chaste kiss.

"No buts. We have enough money for us to be happy for a long time. Splurging for a wedding outfit is not going to hurt." When he saw that Harry was still reluctant he added, "You can only get married once you know."

Harry smiled and gave in, "Okay. If you're sure."

"I'm sure. Now, hurry. Hermione and Ginny are waiting."

Harry nodded and walked the rest of the way to the living room. Hermione jumped up from the chair she was sitting on when she saw them come in, "Aww! I swear they get cuter every time I see them," she gushed.

Harry laughed, "I know! Don't they? And I see them every day."

"You ready?" she asked excitedly as she scratched the twins' ears.

"Yeah. I think so," he said with a shrug and turned to see Ginny and Tom greeting each other.

"Tom," Ginny said simply with a smile.

Tom inclined his head, "Ginny. I hope you are well."

"Well enough with all the homework the professors keep piling on me," Ginny replied wrinkling her nose.

Tom laughed, "I remember those days."

Harry smiled. He was glad that there were no hard feelings on both fronts. It was bad enough for Ginny to find out that her dream guy (yes he had known) was gay, even more, so that he was pregnant and in love with everyone's worst enemy and the very same person who had taken control of her in her first year. When Harry had first brought Tom over to the Burrow Ginny had not trusted him at all, she knew what he was like, yet she had seen how different he was from when she had met him. Slowly she was starting to warm up to him, she still got a little edgy around him but it was getting easier every time she saw him. Now she was just as excited as everyone else about the upcoming wedding.

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