Chapter 2 - Engagement

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I turned to where the voice is and saw Felix walking towards us. I turned back to the boy with me but then he suddenly disappeared.


"Princess, there you are," Felix huffed, patting Blackie's head as he arrived. "It's time for lunch."

"It's already afternoon?" I frowned, tilting my head. I chuckled, scratching my nape. "Ahaha, I must've played a lot. Let's go, Felix."

"Yes, princess. This way," Felix bowed and led me to where we will be eating lunch.

I arrived in my mother's garden and saw mom, dad and the guests now sitting on their seats. I fastened my pace and walked towards them.

"Sorry I'm late," I smiled at them as I took a seat beside mom.

I look up and saw the person sitting across me. A familiar boy with a familiar smile, if I'm gonna guess, he's.

"Wow, Ijekiel! You look very handsome, I almost mistaken you for someone!!" Mom squealed.

Ijekiel Alpheus, my childhood friend.

"I-Ijekiel?" I blinked, trying to see the resemblance of his little self and him now. "Is that really you?"

He chuckled. "Really, princess. You already forget about me?"

"T-That's not it!" I blushed. "I mean- look at you now! You look mature!"

"And you look beautiful, princess," Ijekiel politely said, chuckling. "It's been 12 years and yet your beauty still haven't faded away."

What the- My eyes widened. I can feel my cheeks heating up, making me look away from him awkwardly. "Thanks.."

"How about we eat first?" Dad scooted in. I can clearly hear the annoyance and anger in his voice.

We all agreed and ate our lunch, talk about random stuffs and such. It was a very peaceful lunch.

After lunch, Ijekiel's dad started to talk. "So, about what were talking about months ago. Are you still thinking about it, your majesties or you've chosen your answer?"

I blinked. Is this the surprise that they told me earlier?

"We still haven't told our daughter, Athanasia but we kinda agreed to it," Mom said, smiling as she put down her cup.

"What is it?" I asked, curious.

"Well.. since you're gonna be 18 for the next 4 months," Mom said, turning to me. "Your father and I-"

"It's just your mother," Dad corrected her.

Mom rolled her eyes and continued, "Was thinking of someone that you will marry in the future.."

"E-Eh?" I blinked, looking around at everyone in the table then back to my mom. "Isn't that too early?"

"Well, I know.." Mom chuckled. She reached down to hold my hands. "But the earlier the better right?"

Who the hell told you that? I yelled inside.


"And since you and Kiel here are very close sincr childhood, we thought about you two getting engaged," Mom said. "Don't you want that?"

"Eh? But it's too early ma..." I said, uncomfortable. "I know I'm going to be 18 soon but I still haven't finished everything I want to do.."

"I didn't mean that you two should get married as soon as you turned 18," Mom chuckled, shaking her head. "You two are gonna get married when the two of you are ready. It's going to be a waste that you two are not going to be-"

"There's a fire!!!"

We all looked up to see who yelled and it was one of the guards. I can see the fire in the distance, burning so strong.

"Isn't that the Ruby Palace?!" Sir Alpheus stood up.

"Felix, call more guards to stop the fire," Dad ordered Felix who immediately nodded and ran towards to where the fire is.

"Is Felix going to be okay?" I asked, worried.

"Don't worry, darling," Mom tried to calm me down. "Felix is not the general for no reason. He'll be alright."

I calmed down and relaxed on my seat. My eyes still never left to where the fire was. Not gonna lie, I was thankful that there was a fire because I was able to escape from what mom told me.

I noticed Ijekiel staring at me, as when our eyes met, he smiled at me, I smiled back then turned back to where the fire was.

"I hope there's no one hurt in the fire.." I muttered.

Mom turned back to the table and smiled. "I think it's not the time to talk about this. Let's discuss this in another time."

Sir Alpheus nodded in agreement. "Understood, Your Majesty." He stood up and bowed at us. "We will be going back. May there be peace and prosperity upon the Obelian Empire."

Ijekiel and his dad left the garden, leaving us alone. I immediately turned to mom and said, "Mom, I'm sorry but I have to decline this offer."


"Even if Ijekiel's going to be my fiance it would be awkward for the two of us," I explained. "Ijekiel is my friend and I really wanted to marry the man that I love. I'm very sorry."

And that I ran out of the garden, leaving mom and dad alone. I can hear my mom calling my name as I ran away.

I'm really sorry mom..

short chapter sorry :(

" Athanasia " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ REWRITTEN ]Where stories live. Discover now