Chapter 7 - Confession

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I'm.. crying?

I reached for my cheek to feel the tears running down my face. I immediately wiped it off, looking confused. "How... w-why am I crying?"

Lucas just watched me wipe off my tears away, frowning. "Why are you asking me that? You're the one who cried."

I glared at him. "Really you... are you like this when someone cries in front of you?"

"Yep.. except for one person," He said, smiling.

"Oh really?" I raised a brow, scoffing. "Let me guess.. it's you, right?"

Lucas chuckled, shaking his head no. "That's a good one but no, I really did have one person that I cared about."

"Then who is it?"

"It's a secret."

Lucas stood up and put on his coat. "Let's go now, there's a lot of places that I want to show."

"W-Wait!! Let me finish thi- Ah, Lucas!!"

I left my sherbet unfinished and followed Lucas with a pout with my arms crossed. "I still haven't finished my sherbet..." I grumbled.

"It's your fault for eating it slowly." Lucas shrugged.

"There's no way that I would eat that in a very fast pace!" I yelled at him. "It's a cup full of ice cream!! I'll get a brain freeze if I do that, stupid!"

"You're just weak at eating ice cream fast," Lucas said, smirking. "Come along, miss."

"I hate you," I huffed.

"No one asked."

"Really you-"

I stopped on my tracks when I saw a lot of people in the plaza. I immediately hid behind Lucas, pulling his coat to stop him from going in the crowd. He turned his head, frowning. "What are you doing?"

"T-There's a lot of people.." I stuttered. "They can't know that I'm here.."

Lucas turned back to the crowd then back at me. He turned to face me, sighing. "Look, they can't recognize you. I used magic to hide your real face."

"Magic?" I raised a brow, looking up to him. "You can use magi- mphf!!" Lucas covered my mouth to stop me from yelling.

"Yes, I can," He said, with his index finger on his lips. "But no one knows about this. So lower your voice princess."

I blinked as I slowly nodded. Lucas let go of my face and continue to walk towards somewhere, I followed.

"Why do you want to keep it a secret?" I asked. "I mean, you can work in the tower."

"I worked in the tower," Lucas said. "But I left for a bit because I have something to do."

"And what's that something that you have to do?"

"No more questions," Lucas shushed me again, making me pout in disappointment.

Lucas led us to a dark alley, which is very creepy to be a tourist spot. I don't know why did he bring us here though.

"Is this really the right way..?" I asked, trying to hide my fear. "It's... dark.."

"Don't worry, I never get lost," Lucas muttered.


"Yeah, now close your eyes."

"Eh?" I stopped, staring at Lucas with wide eyes. "W-Why?"

"It's a surprise," He said, smirking as he turned tp face me. "Why are you staring at me like I'm gonna do something bad to you?"

"Because you look like you're really going to do something bad to me," I answered. "How could I trust you?"

Lucas sighed, shaking his head. "Really.. there's no way but to do this."

He took a step closer towards me as he took his coat off. I panicked and was about to take a step back but he already caught me by his coat, covering my face.

"Yah! Lucas!!" I yelled, trying to pull the coat off my head. "How dare you-!"

As I finally pulled the coat off, my breathing hitched as I saw what was in front of me. We're not in the dark alley anymore, where on a top of a tower.

"Wha- how..." I stuttered. I can't talk properly. I turned to Lucas with wide eyes. "W-Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled at him, throwing his coat to his chest.

"I was planning on surprising you," Lucas chuckled, defending himself from his coat. "But you kept on questioning me stuffs so I have to do this and I can't just bring us up here because they might see me using magic."

"Still!!" I glared at him, hitting him with my fist. "I almost had an heart attack because of that smirk of yours!!"

"Your face was pretty amusing that time, you thought that I really would do something to you," Lucas laughed as he tried to stop me from hitting him. "You should've seen the look on your face."

"I really hate you!!!"

"And I love you too."

I stopped hitting on his chest and looked up to him with wide eyes and red cheeks. "W-W-What did you s-say?!!"

"Hm?" He tilted his head, blinking. "What do you mean?"


Lucas turned me around to face the view of the town, with the sun setting from the distance. He gently put his coat around me to make me warm. "Just enjoy the view princess."

I decided to ignore what he said earlier and just focused on the view in front. But I feel a little but uncomfortable with Lucas standing behind me and his hand gently holding my shoulders and I can't help but hear the beating sounds in my ears. What was those sounds?

"Did you came here with your special someone?" I bluntly asked. I mentally slapped myself for asking that.

Lucas didn't answered at first and just chuckled as if he was remembering something. "Yeah, we came here a lot of times and every moment of it is special."

I hummed, nodding. "Is that so?"

I never thought that Lucas has this kind of side.

"It's getting dark, princess," Lucas said, pulling me out of my trance. "Let's go back now. Her Majesty must've been worried."

"Yeah.." I nodded as I pulled the coat close for more warmth.

Lucas snapped his fingers and magically brought us into a room.

"Where are we?" I asked. He didn't brought us back down the alley.

"Your room, princess. The king of Arlanta ordered the servants earlier to make this your room for your stay here," Lucas replied.


"Though I didn't really take you to a lot of places, I hope that you had fun today, princess." Lucas bowed, smiling. "I'll give you space and time to rest and clean up princess. Sir Alpheus ordered me to escort you for your dinner with him later."

I smiled back. "Thanks."

And with that, Lucas left the room. I watched him walked out of my room and closed it behind him. I let out a sigh as I lay down on my bed.

"Did I really hear that right?" I muttered as I remembered those 3 words that he said to me. "But we just met each other."

I shook my head to erase it from my memory. "Forget about it, Athy. You just heard it wrong.."

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