Chapter 26 - Love

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Nicholas cursed under his breath and threw a spear out of mana towards Athanasia before he flew away. He could take care of Athanasia but with Lucas, that's another story.

Before the spear could hit Athanasia, she dodged and caught it before it hits the guard who is still standing behind them. She almost got dragged at the force but she used her mana to stop it and fast forward to throw it back to Nicholas.

"Oh, you're good..." Lucas muttered, watching the spear gets thrown back to Nicholas. The spear then turns into rope and tired Nicholas up, stopping him from getting away.

"What do you even think of me?" Athanasia scoffed as she tore the skirt of her dress. "Stop watching and let's catch that guy!"

Athanasia ran first using speed and jumped high to Nicholas's level. She used her mana to stop time except for her and Lucas.

"Nice," Lucas sang as he follows Athanasia who gently landed on the ground with Nicholas. "I don't know why am I here to save you, it seemed like you got this by yourself."

"Oh, shut up," Athanasia said, rolling her eyes. "Just take this old man from Ijekiel's body."

"Yes, ma'am."

Lucas snapped his fingers and teleported them into a shed. He tied Nicholas in a chair while he and Athanasia stood in front of the man.

Athanasia resumed the time and Nicholas found consciousness. His eyes widened in surprise seeing him tied in a chair. "The hell is this?!" He yelled, he looked up to face the two. "Untie me!!"

"Ugh, with Whitey's face, I don't think I could take this seriously..." Lucas groaned, looking away.

"How about I cover your eyes?" Athanasia sarcastically said. "Even though Ijekiel's face is not important now but to separate his body from Nicholas."

"Oh, that's a great idea!"

"Really, you..."

Lucas raised his hands in defense, sensing a dark aura from the princess. "Alright, alright!" He immediately said and walked towards Nicholas.

"W-What are you doing?!" Nicholas yelled, moving around hoping for the rope to magically break. His eyes widened when Lucas was already standing in front of him but his eyes never met his.

"Say goodbye to the physical world," Lucas sang and flicked his forehead.

Ijekiel's body froze, the purple eyes slowly turned to gold, Ijekiel's normal eye color. His eyes widened when he saw Lucas and Athanasia in front of him.

"Huh, where was..." Ijekiel lose consciousness before he could finish his sentence.

"Kiel!" Athanasia called and was about to run towards the silver-head but Lucas stopped her. "The hell, Lucas?!"

"Don't come close..." Lucas muttered, his brows furrowed. "It's weird..."

"Huh?" Athanasia frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"

"I was planning to pull out Nicholas from Whitey and I thought that I did it but... It seemed like Whitey don't want to let go of Nicholas's soul..." Lucas said as he leaned close, he held Ijekiel's face up in one hand to examine him. "What's making him hold on to the old man?"

" Athanasia " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ REWRITTEN ]Where stories live. Discover now