Chapter 5 - Tour Guide

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"Athy... sweetie.."

I heard my mom's voice whispering in my ear and felt soft pats on my shoulder. I squirmed, slowly waking up from my sleep. I look up and saw mom smiling down at me, I smiled back.

"We're here," Mom said softly, opening the curtains of the carriage to let me see.

I excitedly peeked through the window and watched the carriage going in the gates of Arlanta. My eyes widened in excitement as I saw the town, it was very lively.

"So this is Arlanta.." I muttered, watching us walking across to some flower shops, bakery and many more. "It's beautiful."

I put my head back inside and turned to mom. "I can't wait to look around the town!!"

"Me too, sweetie," Mom said, smiling. "But before we could go and have some fun, I'll just have to work on something okay?"

"Okay, mama!"

The carriage stopped in front of the gates of the castle. I walked out of the carriage with mom and saw two people with royal guards behind them standing in front of us.

It was the king and prince of Arlanta.

"Welcome to Arlanta!" The king greeted us as we all bowed politely to each other.

Mom and the king talked for a minute, complimenting at each other a bit and about the kingdom. Me and the prince of Arlanta just stood there awkwardly, waiting for the two adults to finish their small talk.

"I hope that you will enjoy your stay here ladies, how about we go inside?" The king said, gesturing us to follow him.

"Sweetie," I heard mom called me, I look up to her with a hum. "You can go now with Ijekiel, I just need to talk with the king."

"Work?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Work." Mom nodded. "You're dad told me to talk about work stuff with the king. Really, your dad is a workaholic."

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"I promise it won't be long, as soon as I finish I will come running to you, okay?" Mom said as she gave me a loving kiss on the forehead.

"Okay!" I smiled. I turned and saw Ijekiel, helping the servants to put down the luggages from the carriage with his attendant.

If you're confused why Ijekiel came with us, it's because I told him to. He promised me to give me a tour of the town so I invited him!

"Are you almost done with that?" I asked, tapping on his shoulder.

Ijekiel turned to face me and gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Athy."

"Hm?" I blinked. "Why are you apologizing?"

"Father ordered me to get something from his office here and I have to work on something," He replied, pouting. "I really wanted to go with you but.."

"It's okay!" I showed him a smile, not showing my disappointment. "I'm sure that's very important, I understand."

"Thanks," Ijekiel smiled, letting out a sigh of relief. "But if you really want to look around the town, I'll have Lucas to give you a small tour."

"Eh?" My smile broke. "L-Lucas?"

"Yeah," Ijekiel nodded and turned to call for the jerk. "Lucas!"

Lucas turned and immediately walked towards us, holding a heavy luggage. "Yes, sir?"

"Please give Athanasia a small tour around the town, since I'm kinda busy," Ijekiel ordered.

Lucas eyed at me for a second then back to Ijekiel. "Yes, sir," He replied. I can clearly hear how happy he is as he said that.

"Good." Ijekiel smiled. "Have fun then, Athy," He said to me.

"B-But.." I wanted to protest but someone called for Ijekiel.

"Coming!" Ijekiel replied to the person who called him. "See ya later, Athy!" He waved at me as he ran away.

I let out a pout, slouching my back. I look up to Lucas who is smirking at me. "What do you want?!" I huffed, glaring at him. "Ugh, why does it have to be you?"

"Maybe fate brought us to be together?" Lucas said, walking away.

I gagged. "Ew, there's no way!"

"Come along~"


I keep up the pace and walked beside him. "Where are you taking me? It better be a good place or I'll punch you."

"I know this place like the back of my hand," Lucas said, looking around. "And I know a lot of awesome places that the others don't know."

I look up to him with a brow raised. I suddenly felt my cheek heat up as I saw his smile again, he looks excited as if he really wanted to show me all the good places in Arlanta.

"Look, I know that I'm very handsome but can you please stop staring at me?" He said.

I snapped out of my trance and scoffed. "Very handsome??"

"Yeah." He smirked as he turned his head and leaned closer to my face, making me lean backwards. "Handsome enough to be yours."

This time, my cheeks heated up more than the last time. My eyes widened and took a step backwards, avoiding his gaze. "T-The hell are you saying?! Did you eat something weird or something?!?"

Lucas chuckled and stood straight. "You look red as tomato, princess."

"I-It's the heat!!" I yelled, trying to blow my cheeks to make the redness disappear. "And what's up with that line?!"

"What? You don't like it?"

"I hate it!"

"Same line, same reaction," I heard Lucas sang.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"I said you look cute."


"You look red again, princess."

"I told you, it's the heat!!!"

"Yeah sure."

short again T~T so so sorry

" Athanasia " - Lucathy Fanfiction [ REWRITTEN ]Where stories live. Discover now