Chapter 4 - What Are You?

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I walked out of my room with Lily following behind me after getting ready for breakfast.

"It's going to be okay, princess," Lily reassured.

"Hm.." I sighed. "But what if mom is angry at me."

"Her Majesty is not like that, princess. I'm sure that she's not angry at you," Lily said.

"I wish."

Lily bowed at me as I walked inside the dining room. "Good morning," I greeted my parents as I made my way towards them and took a seat across mom.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Mom asked, smiling.

"I did," I nodded. Relief wash up my worries away as I saw mom smiling at me. Thank goodness.


I look up with a hum, food stuffing in my cheeks. "What is it?"

"About the engagement.." Mom said, looking down then back up at me. "I apologize. I was so focused on planning what will be your future is that I almost forgot of what you will be feeling or what you will react to it. I fail as a mother."

"Diana," Dad reached to hold mom's hand to comfort her.

"I-It's okay mama, don't be sorry!" I panicked. "I'm sorry for acting like that to you. It's not your fault, it's just you're worried about my future."

"Athanasia," Mom stared at me then stood up to walk towards me and gave me a hug. "What did I do to have a sweet daughter like you?!!"

"M-Mama, you're squeezing me!!" I coughed.

"Oh, sorry!!" Mom immediately let go, laughing. She went back to her seat and continued to eat. "And, dear! Can you tell our dear daughter where are we going tomorrow?"

"Eh?" I blinked. "What is it?"

Dad puts his utensils down and turned to me. "You're going to Arlanta with your mother."

I sat up, my eyes widened. "Eh?!! Why is it?!! And why is it just mama and me?!!"

"Because I still have work to do here, it's very sad to say that it's just you and your mother will be going." Dad said, sighing.

"Lily told me yesterday about how your eyes sparkled when you told her about Arlanta after talking with Ijekiel," Mom explained. "So we're going tomorrow!"

"I-Is that true?!" I beamed.


"Yay!!" I cheered, standing up to give my parents a hug and a peck on the cheek. "I love you mama, I love you papa!!!"

"We love you too sweetie," Mom said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Now, let's finish our breakfast, okay?"



"Hah, I'm tired.." I sighed as I dropped myself on the couch, waiting for Lily to come back with the sweets.

"Hello princess."

My ears perked up at the very familiar voice behind me, making me sat up from my seat and turn around to see the person that I assumed the owner of the voice is.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked glaring at him.

Lucas made his way to the couch that is right across me and sat down. "Sir Ijekiel is with his father because his father needed him so a guard took me here to wait for my sirs to finish."

Lies. I raised a brow, watching him sitting properly. "Stop that act of yours, I already know what your true colors is."

"Oh, really?" Lucas scoffed. "Then I don't need to act polite with you."

He slouched his body and leaned down on the back of the couch, with his legs crossed. "Hah, this is the best. It's very tiring to act like an attendant for someone high."

This guy.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. "Acting like an attendant?? Who are you??"

"Didn't Ijekiel told you who am I?" Lucas scoffed again. "I'm Lucas."

"That's not what I mea-"

"I heard that you're going to Arlanta?"

I paused, frowing more. "How did you know that?"

"I just know."

"A-Are you a spy??"

Lucas paused, staring at me blankly. Then suddenly, he laughed out loud, slapping the couch as he laughed. "A spy?! Really, that's what you really thought of me?!!"

"Eh..?" I blinked, confused.

"I'm not a spy, I don't work for anybody," He sighed, wiping off the tears from his eyes.

"What are you then?"

Lucas let out a hum as if he was thinking. He smirked, leaning closer to me, I awkwardly leaned backwards, avoiding eye contact.

"You'll know soon," He said with a smile, it's not a smirk, but... I don't know. "Very soon because I'm not that patient."

"Huh?" I frowned again. What is he talking about?

"See ya, princess," He patted my head and ruffled my hair before walking out of the room.

As I heard the door clicked closed, I patted my head, staring blankly at nowhere. His smile earlier is still stuck im my mind, making me feel something weird in me.

I heard the door opened, making me flinch in surprise.

"Here's your snacks, princess," I heard Lily behind me.

I turned to face her and gave her a smile. "Thank you Lily!

the chapter is short again T~T
also happy 400+1 followers for me🎉

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