Dally's Little Sister

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"Anastasia?" I heard my foster mum call, "Can you come down a sec?"

I stuck my tongue out. I preferred to be called Ana but everyone called me Anastasia or Anna, except my big brother Dally, but he was far away from me. I hadn't seen him in at least five years when I visited him in America. I remember his gang, the Greasers; I'd grown up with them before our parents went mad. Ponyboy was still my best friend despite the fact we live a long way away from each other. I miss Dally a lot and hate the fact that we were split ages ago because our parents didn't care and Dally was always getting in trouble. What made it worse was that my foster parents decided to move to Britain almost a month after they fostered me so I only got to see Dally once since then. I mean, England's great and all but I miss my brother badly and had so far, only been allowed one visit.

I walked down the stairs to see my foster mom Lisa standing with an envelope in her hand.

"It's for you," she said handing it to me, "I think it's from your brother."'

I gasped, "No way!" I was very excited as Dally never writes so I was desperate to see what he had put. He must be about eighteen by now as we were around four years apart.

I ran up the stairs to my room and almost ripped the letter open then settled on my bed to read it. It was quite short.

How's my little sis doing? Good news, I'm out of trouble with the cops for the moment so you can come and crash here for a while if you want. It's been ages since we've caught up. I bet you're a proper looker now so I bet the gang'll want to see you again.
Missing you

Dally had clearly got one of the other boys to write it as the handwriting was neat and the spelling spot on but excitement bubbled in my stomach. Stay with Dally again! For a while, he put, so that could be ages. Does that mean I could live with him?

I ran down the stairs, "Lisa! Look at what Dally sent, you have to let me go, you have to!"
Lisa scanned her eyes down the letter, playing with her bright red hair, "It's not my call Anastasia, that's up to your social worker."

I sighed, why were there always complications, "Please," I begged, "I need to see him."
Lisa nodded, "I know, and I'll do my best."

She did. And a few weeks later I finally received the news I'd been waiting for, for at least seven years.
"Ok here's the deal," said Lisa when explaining it to me, "You're staying in America for one year so that does mean you have to go to school there and everything but at least you'll see your brother. Unfortunately social services do not think it's suitable for you to stay with your brother because he sometimes still lives with your parents, and you're not allowed near them so you're going to be staying and living with the Curtis's. If it goes well you're stay may be extended permanently."

"That sounds...amazing," I said. It was what I expected so I wasn't surprised, "Thank you."

She smiled at me a little wanly. She'd always disapproved of Dally, which was possibly one of the reasons she moved me away back to her home country as quickly as possible so I appreciated her efforts.

Finally the day arrived and I couldn't get to the airport fast enough. I know it was sad to leave my foster parents and foster brother James, behind, after all they had cared for me for most of my life but I was so hyped up I almost didn't. I did miss them as I was on the plane because it felt very lonely in the sky next to an old woman who was snoring loudly and also dribbled onto my clothes. I put up with it as much as possible and the air hostess gave me some tissues and towels to protect my clothes a bit and also headphones so I could watch a film. Ironically, "West Side Story "was playing which I watched intently. It reminded me strongly of the gang rivalry where I was going and when it finished I tried to sleep a little but it wasn't long before I was gently shaken awake as we'd arrived.

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