High School Highjinks

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I was at school a few days since the attack and everyone had seen and enquired about the cut but I became tired of the staring. Have people not seen a Band-Aid before? The most awkward was when I came face to face with Dean in the corridor and I saw his own face looked pretty beaten up too, suggesting Dally had been successful in finding him. His eyes bored uncomfortably into mine and I saw the fury in his handsome face and as I walked past heard him hiss, "I'll still get you Greaser. And your little friend."

Fearing he meant Johnny, I shot him a disparaging look at his retreating back and walked on trying to shake his words out of my mind.

After school that day, I dithered around the school grounds as Ponyboy had to discuss an English composition he was a little confused about, and I was not allowed to walk back without him so I walked to the little stretch of wall outside school to wait for him. It was a warm, sunny day so I could relax comfortably without getting cold. Groups of teenagers strolled past every minute, a few saying hi, but they mainly ignored me which suited me perfectly.

After a few minutes or so as it quietened down, I heard someone so I looked up to see a boy I recognised from my grade wander over and lean on the wall a few feet away from me. He grinned warmly at me so I returned a smile wanly-I'd always been fairly shy but hanging out with the gang had been interesting as they were all so outspoken.

"Hey," he said moving a few steps closer, "You're new right?"

"Yeah," I replied nodding, looking at him. He was admittedly, pretty good looking, with dark hair like mine and Dally's but curlier and not gelled back like most of the Greasers. He dressed well, like a Soc but wasn't wearing particularly expensive clothes which most of the Socs were famous for showing off. He also had Johnny's eyes however they were less easy to get lost in but were still warm and welcoming.

"So what's your name?" he asked, sitting on the wall next to me.

"Ana," I answered trying to avoid his hard gaze.

"Are you waiting for someone?" he asked noticing me checking my watch.

"Yeah my friend Ponyboy," I said, "I'm staying with his family while I'm here."

"Oh I like Pony," he said smiling, "He's always reading these books-not your typical Greaser. I'm Kyle by the way."

His eyes travelled to my cheek where the cut was still prominent, "Were you jumped?"

I nodded rubbing my hand over it, "Yeah but my mate Johnny saved me-I was travelling unprepared."

"Still!" he said clearly a little shocked, "They never normally jump girls!"

My phone buzzed, interrupting the conversation so I flicked on the screen to see that Pony was ringing me.

"Excuse me," I said to Kyle and picked it up.

"Horseboy," I answered, it'd always been my nickname for him, "What's up?"

"Sorry Ana but Mr Syme wants me to actually stay behind and write this god damn composition," he whispered, clearly Mr Syme was in within earshot, "I'm going to be a lot longer than I thought."

"Cool it Pony, I'll be fine," I said, "I'll wait."

"If you're sure," he said, "Thanks Ana."

"Good luck," I said and the line went dead. Typically compositions took him around an hour; thank the lord it was a warm day.

"Looks like you're stuck with me a bit longer," I said to Kyle who laughed, "Mr Syme has no mercy."

His own phone vibrated and he fished out of his pocket. I noticed that it was the latest model and in immaculate condition.

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