My Hero

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"How was lunch?" asked Pony as we walked back home out of school and over towards the winding roads, past the Socs and into Greaser territory. It was quieter now, with no huge crowds of teenagers, as we'd stayed after school so Pony could show me round a bit more.

"Good thanks," I answered, "I met some nice people."

"That's good," he said smiling and we crossed the road passing a crowd that I recognized from our year. They were staring intensely at us making me feel uncomfortable.

"Why are they staring?" I muttered quietly to Pony.

"Cause you look like a Soc," he replied, "And Socs and Greasers don't tend to talk."

"Oh," I wasn't used to all this rivalry but it was evident I needed to get used to it fast. Out of the corner of my eye I recognised the red-haired girl Cherry from lunch stepping into a car surrounded by giggling girls. She gave me a small smile and stepped in, evidently not making it too obvious she knew me. I decided not to take it personally.

"Ana," Pony said suddenly pausing at a nearby house "Listen do you mind if I just stop here? My friend promised to lend me Lord of the Flies. Will you be able to walk the last bit alone?"

"Sure Pone," I said watching him walk in, he was such a bookworm-I loved it. I turned to walk the last five minutes or so. It was perfectly safe. I was in Greaser territory and knew exactly where the house was already.

Night began falling as we'd left later than usual, so it was a little harder to navigate but I saw the Curtis house at the end of the street so set off towards it. I heard my footsteps loud on the pavement and it seemed eerily quiet.

Suddenly, out of nowhere three or four guys jumped out of a nearby car that had been parked by the side of the road, sprinted towards me and pinned me to the ground. I had no time to scream as I felt a napkin or cloth stuffed in my mouth. I struggled under their strong arms as I saw the blurry outlines of their faces and smelt the overpowering odour of strong whisky and stale cigarettes. I attempted to pull my arms up when I suddenly heard them shouting, "Damn we got a good girl!"

They stopped pinning me down and I spat out the cloth, "What are you doing?" I shouted angrily.

"What you doing round these parts baby?" asked one of them, he was older by about 2-3 years with neatly ironed pants and jumper and a Rolex watch flashing on his wrist.

"I live here," I said coldly sitting up but he stopped me.

"Wait, YOU live here?" he asked me and they all looked at me suspiciously.

"YES," I confirmed, "Now, Let. Me. Go."

"Not so fast little lady," he said, holding my arm down, "Who are you?"

"Ana Winston," I replied nervously.

One of them snorted, another laughed but the one holding me cautiously asked, "Dallas's sister?"

"Yes!" I said angrily.

The result was instantaneous. They suddenly forced me down again and I was immediately overcome by all four at once, pinning me to the ground. I felt the cloth in my mouth again and the cold metal of the Rolex watch scrape my cheek, stinging it open. I attempted to shout but nothing could come out as they forced the cloth in further so I began choking. I struggled, not used to fighting and using my survival instincts to force them off me. But they were so strong.

"Hey!" a voice came out of nowhere. I strained my eyes in the dark to see who it was. The Socs hands were still over my face but I peered through his hands but saw only a silhouette standing a few feet away. I didn't recognise the voice but it was quiet and calm, but I could sense some fear in it.

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