Gang Life

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The next day was the first after school track training and after a lot of persuasion I encouraged Pony to go, promising I'd be fine just sitting on the stands. It was another warm day and the sun was slowly dipping, shining a beautiful glow onto the school and it was oddly relaxing watching Pony dash around the track.

"Hey Ana," I heard a friendly voice call and I looked up to see Kyle had arrived. He pointed at the seat next to me, "Taken?"

I shrugged and looked around; there was no one else on the stands, "Take it," I said swinging my feet off the chair in front so he could get past and collapse in the seat on my right.

"Your mom not here yet?" I asked and he shook his head, "Not for another ten minutes at least."

He looked over at the track where Pony had just slipped into second place after the third or so, sprint training. I clapped loudly, "Nice one Pone!"

He looked up and grinned slightly but had to concentrate so only Kyle laughed, "You're not a sports person then?" he asked me.

"Oh I like it sure," I replied, " Pony genuinely loves it and is good too but I'm more of an arts person."

"Yeah I've seen," he said a little shyly, "You're in the art room a lot." He looked down at the sketchbook I was holding, already bursting with stuff, "Can I have a look?"

"Sure," I said and handed it to him, "There's not a lot in it yet."

He opened it up and rested slightly on the title page, the theme was "Family" and he must have sensed I didn't have the stable family life he did. Despite this, I'd concentrated heavily on the gang and there were collages and various mixed media pieces of them which I'd intricately put together when I was unable to sleep at the normal hours. I was currently working on an individual portrait of each member of the Greaser gang before I decided on a final piece idea. I was halfway through Soda and Kyle gently traced the outline of Soda's smile which I was still perfecting. I took my time on Darry and Two-Bit too, the only ones I'd completed, but Soda had so far, been the one I really wanted to get perfect. However, I still had Pony and Dally to go, so I sensed some more sleepless nights ahead.

"It's..." Kyle struggled, "So beautiful and...personal."

"Thanks," I said surprised, I didn't know Kyle knew so much about art, "Are you an art student too?"

He shook his head, "I'd love to be but..." he hesitated slightly, "My parents didn't want me to..."

"Oh." I realised suddenly Kyle's home life might not be as stable as I'd initially thought and it reminded me suddenly heavily of my foster parents who'd always encouraged me to take sciences over drama. 

Darry may not have the money or status they all did and couldn't take me on comfortable holidays or dress me in the nicest clothes but at least he'd always been supportive of my choices and respected them and just wanted me to be happy. He was slightly more concerned with Pony because he knew he was capable of more than he showed and loved him to pieces. Pony didn't always realise this but I knew it was true.

"Oi, oi," I heard a familiar voice behind me and a pair of hands came onto my shoulders. I turned to see Two-Bit grinning down at me with his switchblade out towards my throat.

"Alright Two-Bit?" I said shoving him gently off my shoulder and indicating the seat next to me, where he threw himself down into.

"I'm sound," he said lighting up a cigarette and I felt Kyle next to me tense a little nervously.

"Maybe put the switchblade away Two-Bit?" I said looking around, "This is a school."

"Oh yeah sorry," he said and with a neat flash he'd stowed it away into his pocket and stubbed his cigarette out on the stands with one flick of his boot. Kyle raised his eyebrows clearly impressed-Two Bit was smooth.

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