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"You know how many nights yamaguchi stayed up hoping to see you again" grandmother scoffed.

"I told him to forget you, him being obedient he did" she laughs immensely.

Kei looked at her disgusted and went to go find yamaguchi.

"Yams" he yelled. he needed to make sure yamaguchi remebered all the times they spent together.

"Tsukki" yamaguchi turns from the garden and looks at kei with teary eyes.

*flashback* age 16 (november 10)

"Yams, yamaguchi" hollers kei walking to their spot in the woods.

He's later than usual today, kei doesnt mind and starts setting up their picnic.

"Tsukki sorry I'm late-" yamguchi stops once he sees this beautiful array of a picnic.

"What is this" yamaguchi blushes.

Kei grabs his hand and leads him to sit down.

"Happy birthday" he says pulling out a cloth and his canteen.

"I tried washing up a bit before I came but Grandmother made me do some more work I feel soembarrassed" yamaguchi says flustered sitting next to kei.

"Its ok you still look very beautiful" kei says scrubbing yamaguchi's face then tracing his freckles.

"Tsukki" yamaguchi rubs his cheek against kei's hand.

Kei Pat's yamaguchi's tangled hair.

"Do you brush your hair?" kei asks while trying to get his hands between the tangles.

"Sometimes but Grandmother wont let me use hers because I'm too dirty" he says while starting to eat a sandwich kei made him.

"Once I go pro in volleyball, I promise to buy you everything you need and we can get a house and" kei gets interrupted by a boy with a goofy grin.

"Really!" yamaguchi says sucking on a strawberry.

"Really" kei says holding out his pinky.

Yamaguchi grins then interlaces his pinky with kei's.


*now back to present time*

"Tsukki I'm sorry" yamaguchi starts crying.

"Yams it's ok, it's my fault for not visiting you in so long I tried once but you never showed, but I shouldnt have gave up" says kei whil crouching down and hugging the dirty boy.

Kei cradles yamaguchi, the dirty boy clenches on to tsukki's shirt and burrows his face into his chest.

"Grandmother found out where I was going and wouldnt let me go, and soon she told me you forgot about me and-" yamaguchi cuts himself off with another sob.

"Live with me" kei says while cupping yamaguchi's face so he can look at him.

"Remember our promise" kei says rubbing his dirty cheek.

"But grandmother" yamaguchi says scared.

Yamaguchi has never lived with anyone else and barely met anyone but that women since she was so paranoid.

He only met 4 people in his life before or even saw.

1. The man who delivered the mail.

2. Kei Tsukkishima

3. Kei's older brother for a split second.

4. Grandmother

It was scary for him to think of the big city it made him panick but someone kei's embracement made him feel lighter.

"I know you had a hard time adjusting even visiting the one time, but I promise I will help you and always be there for you, during bad times, goodtimes and even your heat cycles"

" I know we were soulmates since the first time we met" Kei says gently stroking yamaguchi's head with one arm while holding him with the other.

Yamaguchi looks up and smiles at kei. Kei stand up grabbing his hand and they walk hand in hand to grandmother's house.

"Grandmother I'm going to live with kei" yamaguchi says hiding a bit behind kei while gripping his arm.

"Hm whatever filthy dog pack your bags and go but make sure to come visit me sometimes" she says laughing while flipping through the channels on the tv.

Yamaguchi takes kei upstairs to the musty attic where he called his room. There was a mattress with sheets on it but the sheets were way to big for this kiddy bed.

There was 3 pairs of clothes nicely folded on a beat up nightstand. There was only a couple of trinkets but you can tell he found them out in the woods.

Yamaguchi started putting his tattered this in a trash bag. Then kei placed his hand on yamaguchi's shoulder.

"Yamaguchi let's just leave your things here" kei said trying not to sound rude.

"Why is there something wrong with them?" Asked yamaguchi the poor boy has never even been to a store before other than the medicine one and barely survived.

"I want to buy you new things that are nicer" kei says picking up his nicest shirt that has mutlipled small wholes.

"Do I embrass you" asked yamaguchi still putting his things in the bag.

"No I apologize, their your things and they have value to you forgive me" says kei realizing.

"Its ok I know it's not much but I'd like to keep them" yamaguchi says straightening up and latching on to kei's arm.

Kei took the trash bag and the boys headed downstairs.

"Goodbye grandmother see you soon" says yamaguchi kissing her forehead.

She scoffs and waves him off.

Yamaguchi and kei head back to the bus. By this time it's gotten quite late.

The sun was setting and yamaguchi leans his head on tsukki's shoulder. Kei smiles to see him finally next to him after so long.

Ever since they met when he was 13 on their annual family camping trip.

He knew he liked him, more than a friend.

He felt guilty but he wanted to protect the boy. Later kei found out it was his alpha instincts.

He even found out later he marked the boy. Kei couldnt be with anyone else romantically or it made him sick.

So sick to the point he vomited it wasnt their fault it was because he was bonded with yamaguchi.

But he couldnt find yamaguchi, then by the grace of god yamaguchi walked into his bar.

Then he knew it was his chance.

The bus finally stops and kei gently shakes yamaguchi.

The boys get off and head to his bar.

"What is a bar" asked yamaguchi clutching onto kei's arm like a scared child.

Kei thought it was so cute.

"Well a bar is where people go to drink alchohol and occasionally hook up with people" kei says unlocking the door.

Then he realizes something and winces while turning to face yamaguchi.

"Do you know about sex and heat" asked kei nervously.

"Yes I do Grandmother explained it to me incase a man tried to do it to me" he said caressing kei's palm.

Kei nodded and smiled and walked in, that's good that means he can try things even if he must go slow.

I think that will wrap It up here for this chapter hehe !!

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