pregnancy tests.

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It's been about 4 weeks and yamaguchi has been living with kei.

Hes still adjusting but he loves working at the flower shop.

He loves moving half the shop outside on a good day and sitting there and making flower crowns and giving them to small children.

Hes started to make great sales.

Theres guys who comes in all the time and buys flowers for different women and it confuses yamaguchi why they would do that.

So he asked kei one night at dinner as they ate their pasta.

"Is there something wrong yamaguchi your not eating dinner" kei asks concerned rubbing his back.

"No I have a question that's all" yamaguchi says looking down at the pasta.

"You can always speak your mind freely with me you know, what is it?" Asks kei kneeling now.

Yamaguchi knew flowers more than anything and he knew the language and power of love they held.

He would bring home a new flower everyday for kei with a hidden meaning.

"Why do men buy flowers for a different woman every week" asks yamaguchi concerned.

"Ah, yamaguchi theres some people who are Cheaters, that means they ask someone to date them, then they go out and cheat with them with someone else and that usually means to sleep with them" and then so on kei explained even more.

"Kei would you ever cheat on me?" Asked yamaguchi sniffleing.

"No never oh my!! I love you deeply, with every part of me" kei says holding him.

Then yamaguchi finished his dinner relieved.

But then his stomache felt queasy.

And he vomited right when he stood up.

"That was weird, I'm sorry kei I didn't mean to" yamaguchi apologizes.

Kei gasped and understood what it meant.

Then kei made a urgent call to his good friend yahaba and kyotani.

Kei gets yamaguchi to sit on the couch and relax then the doorbell rang.

"I came as fast as I could withought risk of losing my child" yahaba chuckled.

"Sid you bring it" asked kei.

Soon yamaguchi was starting to get nervous.

"What's wrong?" Yamaguchi asks standing up and walking towards the door.

Yahaba took the pregnancy tests out of his purse and showed them to yamaguchi.

"Yamaguchi you might be pregnant like me!" yahaba leads him to the bathroom and helps him take the test.

Soon their sitting in the living room with 3 tests in a cup of urine.

The timer goes off.

"So who's checking?" Ask yahaba.

They all look at yahaba and he looks at the tests.

And after five minutes their all positive.

Yahaba turns around smiling while handing kei the tests.

"Yamaguchi your pregnant" says kei kissing him all over.

"Shit I need to call my parents" kei says excitedly and heads to the other room.

"Yamaguchi what about your parents?" Asks yahaba while getting a little debbie out of his purse.

"I dont have any parents" yamaguchi says while making them some tea.

"I'm sorry I didnt mean it that way" yahaba goes to apologize but yamaguchi waves it off.

"Its ok my predicament is unusual so anybody wouldnt assume right"

Yamaguchi sighs and leans in yahaba.

Which makes yahaba make a look to kyotani.

Yahaba awkwardly wraps his arm around yamaguchi's shoulder.

"I'm scared yahaba" yamaguchi says while hugging him tightly.

Yahaba sighs and ruffles yamaguchi's hair.

"Dont worry yamaguchi we will go through this together, to be honest I'm a bit scared too" yahaba whispers and then looks up at kyotani and smiles.

Then kei comes back in distraught.

"Yamaguchi my parents want us to go home now" kei says packing his bags.

"Oh no is something wrong!" Yamaguchi says panicking while throwing his clothes out of the closest.

Then a pair of strong arms wrap around him and rub his back.

"No that's not it their just- I didnt tell them about you yet and know your pregnant" kei says kissing his forhead.

"They just really want to meet you"

And with that all four of them leave tsukki's apartment.

Yahaba and kyotani head home.

While kei and yamaguchi head towards the mountains.

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