the dinner.

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Yamaguchi woke up by someone gently rubbing his back.

Then yamaguchi felt a sting on his neck and there it was his bond mark.

Yamaguchi turned over to face kei and smiled.

"You need a shower" kei said smiling.

"But I'm sore" yamaguchi laughs but ends up wincing.

"I'll bathe you silly" kei kisses his head and starts the shower.

"Can you atleast stand" kei asks and yamaguchi nods.

Kei helps yamaguchi undress and helps him into the shower.

Soon after that kei comes in.

Yamaguchi blushes and trys to cover his body.

"Hey theres no need for that" kei softly kisses yamaguchi's bond mark.

"Here we need to get the cum out of you first" kei says but waits for permission.

"Wait if you take it out I cant get pregnant" yamaguchi says swatting his hand.

Kei sighs and realizes.

Then he starts slowly rubbing yamaguchi's back.

"Yamaguchi, only one sperm will swim into your uterus and impregnate you the rest we need to get out and clean you so you dont get sick" kei says rubbing lower almost to his glutes.

Yamaguchi gives him the ok and he stretches yamaguchi's hole open and rinse it out.

"Do you feel a bit better?" Kei asks gently rubbing his butt cheeks and putting the shower head back up.

Yamaguchi nods and both wash up pretty fast.

Tsukki gets a towel and drys his hair, then he gets the hairdryer to dry yamaguchi's since it was so much longer.

Then tsukki brushed yamaguchi's hair for him and put two small braids in it then tied them together to make it look like a little crown.

"Do you like it" asks kei after his 5th try.

"I love it" yamaguchi says smiling while getting dressed in the button up kei bought him.

The button up was a soft red and black slacks with black shoes.

Then kei walked out looking as stunning as ever, in a white button up with black slacks and a nice long brown coat.

"Wow" yamaguchi says blushing.

"You look very cute yourself ready to head out" kei says kissing yamaguchi's head trying not to mess up his hair.

"Mhm" yamaguchi nods excitedly.

He was so happy to meet kei's friends.

Kei shot kyotani a text they were on their way and he sent back a same.

Then kei intertwined fingers with yamaguchi and head out the door locking everything behind them of course.

It was 6:45 and they arrived to the restaurant.

They took kei's car.

Yamaguchi look around outside and was very fascinated by the patio tables and the decorations.

Then kyotani and yahaba come over hand in hand.

"Hey kei long time no see!" Yahaba chimes looking extra peachy today.

Like a little bit of a glow maybe a pregnancy glow.

"So where is he?" Yahaba asks looking around.

"Yamaguchi" kei says a bit loudly.

Then soon comes up yamaguchi hiding behind kei.

"This is yahaba, kyotani's wife" kei says pushing him in front of him.

"Hi I'm yamaguchi" yamaguchi says looking down at the ground.

"No need to be nervous, I'm starving let's head in" yahaba says slinging his arm around yamaguchi and heading in.

Kyotani and kei stay behind a bit.

"So did he say anything yet?" Kei asks.

Kyotani looks at him and sighs.

He still looked pretty rough.

He had so many insecure thoughts going through his head all at once.

Then they both had a silent agreement and headed inside.

Then they find yahaba and yamaguchi chatting it up.

Then everyone sits down and order thier drinks.

"Ok I know your all wondering why I called you to dinner" yahaba says then looks at kyotani deeply and squeezes his knee.

"This idiot though ruined it when he found the pregnancy test before the dinner" then yahaba slightly kicks kyotani.

Kyotani winces.

"I'm sorry kyo but I had to wait till dinner to tell you it was suppose to be a suprise" yahaba says handing him a bag with a sonogram and the test and lastly a paper saying how many weeks along yahaba was and that it was healthy.

Kyotani almost tackles yahaba to the ground hugging him.

"I'm so relieved" kyotani says kissing yahaba who was crying.

Yamaguchi felt a bit clueless but was happy for them.

Then kei whispered and explained they've been trying for years but since yahaba was recessive it was extremely  hard.

Once everything settled down and they order food yahaba had to ask.

"So yamaguchi do you want kids?"

"Yes I'd love to carry kei's child, he told me I am most likely pregnant today".

Kei spits his drink out a little bit.

"Ooo interesting say more" yahaba says smirking at kei.

"Well his sperm was in me for quit a while-"

"Yamaguchi he knows how it works you dont have to tell him" kei trys to tell him off as best as he can since he doesnt understand how it might be inappropriate to talk about at a restaurant.

"Maybe our children can be friends" yamaguchi says smiling ever so widly.

"I like you yamaguchi" yahaba says.

Then the waiter comes with thier food.

They all eat in a comfortable silence then say thier goodbyes since yahaba was getting tired.

"I liked yahaba even though kyotani was a little scary looking" yamaguchi says while holding on to kei's arm and leaning on his shoulder.

"You know some people think I'm scary too" kei says kissing his head.

Yamaguchi laughs and closes his eyes.

"I love you it feels like a dream it's all happening so fast I'm a little scared" yamaguchi admits.

"I know but don't worry I promise I will always be here cause i will always love you"

Then the boys went home and fell asleep snuggled up together.

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