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Stokely's friend was standing beside me just staring at me, making me uncomfortable. I decided to move a away from him but he kept coming in closer. I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable so I went and sat next to Jahseh. He was giving me the dirtiest look ever that it made me scared. I was scooting closer to Jahseh so now we were touching. I was still looking back at Stokely's friend. Jahseh grabbed my chin and turned my head so I was looking at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"He's making me uncomfortable" I say

"Who?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows

"Stokely's friend" I say

"Is he not getting the hint that he needs to stop fuckin witchu" he says looking around for him. He spotted him and he was giving me the same dirty look.

"Why the fuck you lookin at her like that?" Jahseh asks standing up.

"Mama go in the house" he demands. I went in the house and sat on the couch.
"So why you lookin at her like that?" Jahseh asked

"What am I looking at her like?" He questioned

"You givin her a nasty look like she did somethin wrong" he says

"Cause she's a little bitch" he says.

Jahseh grabbed him by his throat

"Call her a bitch one more time....I dare you" he threatened

"And if anything she's a soldier....you don't know what's she's been through....with all the issues that she has....she still has the strength to stay on this Earth. So shut the fuck up before you get fucked up" he says letting go of his neck.

"Tell her she can come out" Jahseh says sitting back down.
Y/n POV:

"Y/n you can come back now" Jarad says

I walked out seeing Stokely's friend with an annoyed look on his face. He looked at me then rolled his eyes.
There was a mouse running around so us girls being girls, started screaming while the boys tried to catch it.

"Y/n" I heard Isiah say

I turned around and he had the mouse dangling from its tail. I screamed making all of them bust out in laughter. He kept coming closer and I kept backing away so I was up against the wall in the garage. I held my foot out, preventing him from coming any closer. All the girls and boys were laughing.

"Ight quit fuckin with her, quit fuckin with her" Jahseh laughed

He kept messing with me though.

"Vro stop" Jahseh laughed. He pushed Isiah out the way and pulled me in for a hug.

"You guys are bullies" I said making them laugh.
I was on my phone when I looked up and seen Stokely's friend staring at me again. I got uncomfortable and moved farther away, making him move closer. I went and sat VERY close to Jahseh again. He started just kicking rocks but the rock kept coming closer to me. I scoot a little closer to Jahseh. He could tell he was making me uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. He grabbed my chin and made me look at him.

"He makin you uncomfortable again?" He asked

I nod my head

"Ight we boutta go. Ok?" He says caressing my cheek.

"If you wanna stay then we can stay" I say

"Nah....I'm not gonna make you stay when you're uncomfortable and he's pissing me off" he says

"We gonna go at 7:00 ok" he says

I nod my head
I was 6:43 and I was getting tired so I rested my head on Jahseh's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer. Now my forehead was in the crook of his neck. I started dozing off.

"Mama we finna go soon" he says rubbing my back. I sat up and stretched

"Ok" I say

I was sitting there observing conversations. I was rubbing my arms because I was cold. Jahseh started taking his hoodie off but he was wearing a yellow tank top under.

"Here mama" he says handing me his hoodie

"No. I already have 2" I say

"You can have this one too" He says

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah" he says

"Thank you" I say taking it. I put it on.

"Ahhh....so warm" I say making him chuckle.
"Ight. I gotta take her home now" he says

We said our goodbyes, got in the car and drove off.

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