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I woke up hearing my parents arguing again. I was so tired of this. It was 9:00 and I was about to leave. I went downstairs and put on some filas.

"Where you goin?" My dad shouts

"Away from here" I say before walking out the door and slamming it shut. It was raining out so I put the hood on to the hoodie I was wearing. I decided to walk to Jahseh's house. There were no cars in the driveway so his parents weren't home.

I rang the doorbell but didn't get an answer. I rang it again. No answer. I started knocking. No answer. I texted him


I'm at your front door

He immediately read it and I could hear him rush down the steps from outside. He swung the door open and pulled me inside. He took my hood off and started caressing my cheek.

"Are you okay mamas?" He questioned

"Yeah" I said shivering from the cold

"Why were you outside in that weather, at this time of night?" He asks

"I just needed to get away from home....I'm tired of waking up to arguing" I say

"Let's get you in some warm clothes" he says grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. He dug in his drawer and handed me some sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Thank Seh" I thanked him

"Your welcome mamas" he says kissing my lips.

"Come downstairs when you're done" he says closing the door to his room. I changed and went downstairs.

He was sitting on his couch. I sat next to him. He turned to me.

"You hungry?" He asked

"No" I said looking at the TV

He grabbed my jawline and made me look at him.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked

"Who cares" I shrugged my shoulders

"I do" he says

"Why?" I asked

"Because your my fuckin girl....why wouldn't I?" He says

"Because no one else does" I say

"Well someone does and I'm making you some food" he says getting up and going to the kitchen.

He was cooking when I dozed off on the couch.
Jahseh made Y/n a grilled cheese. He went back in the living room and was gonna give her her food. He seen that she had fallen asleep. She was so precious to him. No matter how much he said it, she will never know how much he loves her. He sat down on the couch and watched her for a few minutes. His eyes roamed her body, taking in every beautiful feature. He noticed the sleeve to his god did was lifted up a bit and noticed something on her wrist. He gently grabbed her wrist and lifted up the sleeve more. It was a band-aid. He slowly grabbed the end of the band-aid and lifted it up. He lifted it to where he could see where her wound was. It revealed four cuts. It looked like they were made intentionally. His heart shattered. He kissed the cuts and put the band-aid back over them.

"Mamas" he shook her trying to wake her up

"Mamas" he said softly while caressing her cheek.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Why did you do it?" He asked

"Hm" he hummed

"Why did you cut?" He asked with tears threatening to leave his eyes.

She sat up

"I-I just was angry and upset....it just happened" she said softly while looking down.

"I'm failing already" he mumbled

"What are you failing at?" She questioned

"I'm failing at being a good man for you...I-I need to make sure your okay at all times. If I would've done that you never would have harmed yourself" his voice cracked.

She sat closer to him and pulled him in for a hug. She put her hand at the top of his head and put it in the crook of her neck as she felt his tears streaming down her skin.

"I'm so sorry Seh. I wasn't thinking straight and I should've thought of how it would've effected you. It was so selfish. I'm sorry" I apologized

"It's okay" he whispered through tears while wrapping his arms around me. He was holding me tight. Eventually he pulled away and looked me.

"Please....don't do it again" he pleaded

"I won't" I say

"Promise?" He says holding out his pinky

"Promise" I say interlocking our pinkies.

I looked deeply in his eyes and started wiping his leftover tears.

"Next time....can you just talk to me" he says as I continued wiping his tears

I nod my head

"Got a nigga cryin and shit" he laughed

I laughed with him

"Here's your food" he says handing me a plate with grilled cheese

"Thanks Seh" I thanked him.

"Anything for you" he smiled at me
I finished eating the grilled cheese and layed down. Jahseh went to take a shower. I fell back asleep on the couch.

Jahseh was tired after he got out the shower. He went downstairs and seen Y/n was still on the couch and fell back asleep.

"Mamas" he said while rubbing his hand up and down her outter thigh.
"Mamas" I heard Jahseh's raspy voice speak. I fluttered my eyes open.

"Come get in the bed" he said through a yawn. I stretched and stood up. He guided me to his bedroom. I layed down in his bed. He turned all the lights in the house off and then the ones in his bedroom. The room was pitch black. He layed beside me and pulled the blanket up to my shoulders. I fell back asleep.

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