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My parents were arguing AGAIN. I was scared and needed someone to talk to. Jahseh was always available so I called him. He didn't pick up so I figured he was sleeping. Right after it went to voicemail I hung up. Right after that his name popped up on my phone. I answered it.

"Hey" I say

"What's wrong?" He asked in his morning voice

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.....you can go back to sleep" I said

"No no no it's okay....what's wrong Babygirl?" He asks

"How do you know something's wrong?" I asked

"I can hear it in your voice and you don't randomly call me at 12:00 in the morning" he says

"Oh" I say

"So what's wrong Babygirl?" He asks through a yawn

"My-" I was cut off

"Your parents are arguing" he answers for me

"How'd you know?" I asked

"Its not new and I can hear them" he replied

I sighed

"Well that's embarrassing" I said

"Don't be embarrassed" he says

"You wanna come back?" He asks

"No....I don't wanna be a burden" I say

"You ain't a burden and if anything I love having you here" he comforts

"Nah" I say

"You sure?" He asks

"Yeah" I say
Eventually Jahseh and I hung up and I fell asleep very late
I made it to the bus stop and sat on the bench. I picked up a familiar scent and I felt something on my thigh. I looked down seeing that familiar hand. I looked up at Jahseh.

"You straight?" He asked

"I'm just hella tired" I say

"What time did you go to sleep?" He questioned

"Almost 3:00" I said

"That's too late" he says

"I know" I say

"But it's not your fault" he says

He wrapped his arm around me and rested my head on his shoulder. I dozed off.

"Mamas......mamas the bus is here" Jahseh said while rubbing my back

I stood up and we walked on.
We sat down and I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Don't fight it Babygirl" Jahseh says while resting my head on his shoulder again. I fell asleep.
Jahseh didn't tell Y/n but it was pissing him off that her parents' arguing was so loud that she wasn't getting good sleep. Her phone was in her hand and it kept vibrating meaning she kept getting notifications. Jahseh slid her phone out her hand and looked at her notifications.

Please tell Jahseh to take you home with him today.

You're probably gonna stay longer this time

I love you baby💘💘

He was happy that she was going home with him. He noticed that they were almost at school.

"Mamas we're almost at school" he said rubbing her back

She sat up and looked at her phone.

"My mom wants me to go back with you" she says

"Ok" he says
They got off the bus and met up with their friends. He would occasionally look at Y/n and see that she was EXTREMELY tired and he couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm gonna go in the library" she says

Jahseh watched her as she walked to the library.

"I'll see y'all in class" Jahseh said to his friends as he walked off and went into the library. He seen her sitting at a table with her head down. He walked over to her and sat next to her.

"Babygirl?" He questioned while putting his hand on her thigh

She looked up at him.

"You straight?" He asked

She nodded her head

"You can crash in my bed when we get home okay?" He said

She nodded her head and put it back down.
The bell was gonna ring in five minutes.

"Mamas the bell is bout to ring" he said waking her up

She sat up and rubbed her eyes.
It was finally the end of the day and i was so happy.
We got off the bus and walked to Jahseh's house. He immediately took my to his room.

"You can finally go to sleep" he says

"Lay down" he said calmly

She layed down and he took her shoes off then cover her up with his blanket.

"Stokely and them finna be comin over" he said

I nodded my head.
I was asleep when I heard the doorbell ring. Jahseh got up and closed the bedroom door behind him. I then heard the front door opening and all their voices were heard.
"Aye what was wrong witcho girl today?" Stokely asked

"She was hella tired" he responds

"Is she good?" He asks

"Yeah she straight" he said

"Did she not sleep last night" he asked

"She couldn't" he replied

"Why?" He questioned

"Nigga I ain't tellin you" he says

I was happy that he wasn't telling my business.

Jahseh OnfroyWhere stories live. Discover now