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Jahseh took me to the park where we made things official. We were conversing about random things. Eventually it started sprinkling.

"Let's go before the rain gets bad" he says.

We walked to the car and drove off. We were at a stop light when I noticed police cars on Jahseh's side in the next lane. Police gave me anxiety. My leg started bouncing as I was looking at them. Jahseh followed my eyes and seen the police.

"It's okay mamas" he assured me. He looked at my leg, noticing it was bouncing. He placed his hand on my thigh and started rubbing it. It calmed me down a little. The light turned green so the car started moving again and I noticed the police coming in our direction. My anxiety rose again. My heart beat sped up. The police then turned their sirens on and sped past us. Jahseh pulled over.

"Mamas....do you have any history with the police that made you so scared of them?" He questioned

"No" I answered looking down.

He lifted my head up by my chin.

"Then why are you-WOAH" he says looking at me with pure worry and concern. He the placed his hand on my chest, feeling my heartbeat.

"Take some deep breaths" he says while still holding his hand there

I took deep breaths and calmed down.

"Why are you so scared of the police?" He questioned

"You never know what can happen" I say

"Oh" he says knowing what I meant.

"We're all good mamas" he says

Then a man started banging on my window


I recognized that it was a boy who stalked me my freshman year. I looked at Jahseh in fear.

"You know him?" He asked

"He stalked me in 9th grade" I said panicking


Jahseh balled up his fists and clenched his jaw.

Jahseh covered her eyes with one of his hands.

"Jahseh" she says trying to pull his hand away

"Mamas keep my hand there" he says

He then went into the glove department and pulled out his pistol.

"Nigga get the fuck outta here or that's it for you" he threatened pointing the gun at him. The man noticed the pistol and took off. Jahseh put the pistol back in the glove department. He then released his hand from her eyes. She looked confused. They then drove off and went to the house. The rain pouring by the time the got back home. Jahseh took off his hoodie and handed it to her.

"But what about you?" I questioned

"I'll be fine" he says

"Thank you" I say putting the hoodie on.

He got out the car and walked over to my side and opened the door. I got out and he put the hood over my head. We walked to the front door and went inside.
We both took showers and were chilling, watching TV in his room.

Jahseh OnfroyWhere stories live. Discover now