1. "ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴄᴀᴋᴇ!"

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"Dude, is your soulmate a pathological liar or something?"

Iwaizumi huffed an annoyed sigh, setting down his pencil for the fourth time. He turned to look at Terushima Yuji, who was staring down at Iwaizumi's wrist.

He didn't need to look at his forearm to know what Terushima was talking about. The words were already there, black in hue like a tattoo.

This time they said, "Yeah, I'll call you later."

Above it was six other lines of lies. They ranged from, "I love cake!", to "Wow, I really like your outfit."

Terushima was still staring when Iwaizumi tilted his wrist so that it was face down on the table. Normally he wouldn't care about others' opinions, but he felt a bit self conscious under the blonde's piercing gaze.

The boy whistled. "Good luck with that."

"Get back to work," he scoffed. Terushima shrugged his shoulders and resumed typing on his laptop. 

Iwaizumi went back to his own paper that was only halfway done. For some terrible reason, the teacher had partnered him up with Terushima, who, by the way, has done close to nothing. He's pretty sure that the blonde's actually messaging people on Twitter instead of researching their topic.

Hence, double the work for him. If he got a good grade on this project, he might be able to raise his dropping grade. So finishing this report was probably the most important thing he had to do right now. But as he tried to focus on the paper in front of him, his mind started to wander off.

Terushima just had to bring up soulmates.

He subtly glanced down at his inked forearm. The multiple lines of text stared back at him. He casually brushed a finger over the words; the lies that he didn't understand. They would show up almost every hour, but then disappear the next. But since his soulmate was an often liar, his skin was almost never blank.

As he twirled his pencil around, he wondered how long he's been seeing the lies. Years, maybe?

And yet, he didn't know a thing about the other.

He suddenly felt a small tingling sensation. His eyes watched as new words formed below the earlier ones.

"I'm fine."

He blinked in surprise.

"Woah. Is he depressed now?" asked Terushima.

Iwaizumi glanced over at the blonde. He yanked his wrist under the table, obscuring the list of lies. "I'm sure he's fine," he answered. But his voice wavered slightly.

"Whatever you say." Terushima went back to his work again.

He quietly exhaled and peered down at his wrist again. Is his soulmate okay? Never before has a lie like that appeared.

But it's not like he could do anything to help.

I wish I could, though. He thought.

Iwaizumi gently rubbed the lies on his forearm, silently praying that the one for him was doing okay.

"Have you seen the new kid?" asked a voice.

His fingers paused over the words as he looked up at the blonde. "No. There's a new kid?"

"Yeah, and apparently he's hot as fuck!" Terushima exclaimed. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"That's nice," he deadpanned. Terushima let out a snort and slapped him on the back.

"I forgot that no one ever impresses you anymore."

"It's because I don't have time for that stuff."

"I bet that just appeared on your soulmate's wrist," chuckled the blonde boy.

Iwaizumi groaned. "Shut up and get back to work. We have to finish this before tomorrow."

Terushima threw his arms up in defeat. "Can't we take a break? We've been working on this for an hour!"

"It's been twenty minutes," he replied.

"Yeah, twenty minutes too long!" The blonde boy stood up, causing his chair to loudly crash onto the floor. "I'm taking a break!" He quickly scampered away, waving back before disappearing around a corner.

Iwaizumi sighed and massaged his forehead. There's no way he'll get a passing grade this time.

He got up out of his chair and stretched. His bones cracked as he let out quiet mumbles of satisfaction.

"Excuse me," interrupted a voice.

He turned around. A guy with chocolate curls and matching eyes stood before him with a smile on his face.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

The stranger scratched his hair. "Are you Iwaizumi?"

"I am. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?"

Iwaizumi paused. "Huh?"

"Sorry, I know this is sudden but you seem really cool. So I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime."

His eyebrows furrowed as he stared at the stranger. The brunette looked away from his stare, a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

Who the hell is this guy?

"You don't even know me," he said.

The brunette shrugged. "Then let's get to know each other."

"No thanks."

He began packing up his things: stuffing his laptop into his bag along with his papers and pencils. With one quick glance at the stranger, he slung his backpack onto one shoulder and began to walk away.

"Let's not talk again," he said, waving back at the male.

"Wait-!" A hand grabbed his bag, pulling him back a step. Iwaizumi sighed, annoyed, and turned to face the stranger.

"What?" He grunted.

"Let's be friends."

"No." He began walking off again.

"Wait! Wait! Come on! I'm sorry for earlier. I just want to be friends!"

He stopped walking and turned around. "You don't even know me," he grumbled.

"Which is all the more reason to be friends!" said the brunette. "Come on, I'm new here, and I don't know anyone."

"Then go find someone else to be friends with."

The stranger pouted. "But I want to be friends with you."

"Well, I don't."

"Well, I don't care. We're friends now." declared the brunette.

"Friendship goes both ways," he replied. "And it's not going my way."

The brunette pursed his lips. "I'll make it go that way then."

He frowned. "And you are?"

A broad smile appeared on the stranger's face. "I'm Oikawa Tooru. Nice to meet you, Iwa-chan."

His frown deepened. "Don't call me that."

• • •

Love me some iwaoi 😌✨✨
Hope everyone's doing okay!!

Also the chapter names will be a lie from the chapter so they might be really random lol

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