Chapter 5: Purple Iris

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| Wei Wuxian POV |

I couldn't help but be worried for Wen Ning as I came back to the Cloud Recesses with the jars of Emperor's Smile. I sat down between Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng as we started talking.

"I don't mind not having a partner as long as I have wine." I said.

"I can't believe the Lan Clan can deal with you." Jiang Cheng said after he downed the cup of alcohol.

"It's because I'm adorable." I talked back. "It's just you. No one can match your standards."

Nie Huaisang then looked curiously at me. "Standards?"

I started exposing Jiang Cheng's standards as he chased around the table for me. Just then, Lan Wangji entered the room. We all stopped and tried to look as orderly as we could as we sat on the bed.

I let out a nervous laughter and stood up, walking towards Lan Wangji. "Lan Zhan, what a coincidence. Why don't you drink with us?"

Lan Wangji then said, "Alcohol is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses. Come with me before I drag you." I signaled for Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang to rush out. Before Lan Wangji could walk out and tell Lan Qiren, I put a paper talisman on him that made him stop.

I looked at him and then walked to sit down at the table where the alcohol was. "Lan Zhan, come here and take a drink." I offered Lan Wangji a cup of alcohol in which he drank it. Then a loud thump landed on the table. Lan Wangji was out cold. I scoffed. I dragged Lan Wangji over to the bed where I laid him down. I started drinking the rest of the Emperor's Smile and eventually dozed off to sleep.

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up on the side of my bed to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I then heard something roll off the bed and spotted Lan Wangji. I laughed at how he slept on the ground, forgetting about the door. The door opened and one of the disciples looked at us before reporting to Lan Qiren.

A few moments passed before Lan Wangji and the rest of us were called to the Songfeng Shiyue Pavilion. We kneeled to the ground in front of Lan Qiren.

Lan Wangji accepted his fate. "I am at fault. Please punish me."

I intervened. "It was against his will. I made him drink the liquor."

"I realize my mistake. I accept the punishment."

"What is wrong with you?" I scolded. "Why are you asking for punishment."

Lan Qiren then stopped us as he said, "Wei Wuxian, as the leader of the group you will be hit 300 times with the bastinado. The same goes for Lan Zhan. The rest will be hit 50 times."

I was about to argue, but then the bastinado hit my back. I then heard a laugh coming from behind us. I realized it was (Y/N).

"Oh my goodness. This is funny." I could tell (Y/N) was dying of laughter from the sight in front of us. "How'd you get caught?!" She started laughing more until Lan Qiren's voice sounded.

"Do you want to get punished too, Wen (Y/N)?" Her laughs stopped and she backed away to somewhere else avoiding getting hit with the large plank of wood.

The hitting finally stopped and my back was burning. Jiang Chang and Jiang Yanli helped me walk as we went on our way to our area. We came across Lan Xichen who recommended me to go to the Cold Spring to heal injuries with Lan Wangji.

I walked over to the Cold Spring and slowly entered the cold water. I moved closer to Lan Wangji hoping to get warmer, but he moved away. I then felt something strange. "Lan Zhan, do you feel something strange happening?" Lan Wangji turned his head to look at me and then turned back. I looked behind me and I was suddenly dumped in the water. I fell down into a hole in the Cold Spring and then into the cave. I saw Lan Wangji beside me as we looked around. We saw a guqin in the middle of the cave. We moved towards the guqin as a wave pushed me back into the water.

"Lan Zhan, let me borrow your headband. It's only attacking me because I'm not part of the Lan Clan." Lan Wangji tied his headband to our wrists and he started playing Inquiry on the guqin. Suddenly, a woman appeared.

Lan Wangji then kneeled and bowed to the woman in front of us. "Master Lan Yi, I am Lan Zhan, a descendant of the Lan Clan."

~ Time Skip to When They Get The Yin Iron Shard and Master Lan Yi Disappears ~

We heard footsteps sounding in the cave. Lan Wangji readied his sword, Bichen, as the footsteps got closer. Then a silhouette appeared and Lan Wangji threw his sword towards the figure. It dodged his sword and the sword returned back to Lan Wangji.

"You didn't have to throw a sword at me." It spoke. That was Wen Y/N.

"How'd you get in here?" Lan Wangji questioned. "What did you hear?"

"It's not that hard to get in here. All you need is the Lan Clan's headband and just walk through the back hill. I heard everything. I also know you have the Yin Iron shard." Wen (Y/N) then picked up a white rabbit and leaned on the wall of the cave. "What are you going to do with the Yin Iron shard?" She asked as she pet the rabbit.

I answered, "I don't see why it concerns you."

"Very well. The others are looking for you so you better exit soon." Wen (Y/N) then walked down the cave path until we couldn't see her anymore. We walked down the same path she went down and appeared outside of the back hill. Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng were outside as Lan Wangji and I fell to the ground after exiting. I looked around to see if Wen (Y/N) was around, but she wasn't.

"Wei Ying!" Jiang Cheng scolded. "Where did you go? Shijie was worried for you. Everyone was worried for you guys."

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when we get back." I said.

Wen Qing then added, "What happened in that place?"

"We just went to the Cold Spring to get our injuries healed and were carried away to a very cold place by a whirlpool. We had to swim for a very long time. We exhausted our strength to find this exit."

"What's in there?"

"There's all just water and ice. I was almost frozen in there." I turned back and gave a small smile to Lan Wangji.

Jiang Cheng then said, "Fine. Let's go back to ease everyone's worry."

We then walked back to the Cloud Recesses as Wen Qing said to look at the wall we came out of before leaving shortly after.

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