Chapter 12: Pear Blossom

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| Wei Wuxian POV |

Jiang Cheng and I arrived at the Wen Clan Sect of Qishan. I looked to see Jin Zixuan and Nie Huaisang. The only one missing was Lan Wangji. I then whispered to Jiang Cheng, "Where are the people from the Lan Clan of Gusu? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Cheng then whispered back, "It might be good that Lan Wangji isn't here. Don't forget he has the Yin Iron shard."

"But I feel there's something wrong here."

"Take care of yourself first, okay?" I nodded in response.

Then someone shouted, "Second Young Master Wen is here. Everyone, form a queue."

Wen Chao opened his mouth to speak. "Look at yourselves. You all look like sleepy mangy dogs." We all looked at each other in silence. "Why the hell don't you bring him in over?" Wen Chao sounded again. We all looked back to see Lan Wangji walking down with two guards by his side.

"Lan Zhan." I called to him quietly. He ignored me. "Lan Zhan. I repeated.

Jiang Cheng then pulled me back. "Wei Wuxian, don't cause any trouble. You'll get a chance to ask him about everything."

I looked over to Lan Wangji worriedly. "Lan Zhan." I said again.

Then a Wen Clan disciple said. "Silence. No talking."

Wen Chao started speaking again. "Since you are all here in Qishan, you must follow Qishan's rules. First and foremost, during this indoctrination, no one is allowed to carry weapons personally in case of disturbing his excellency. Now hand in your swords one by one."

A cultivator then spoke, "A cultivator stands with his sword always. I refuse."

Another added, "I've never heard of surrendering swords during an indoctrination. How can the Wen clan be like this?"

"Who spoke? From which clan? Step forward from the crowd." Wen Chao questioned. No one stepped up. "Your cores are utterly rotten. You know no manners or obedience. If your manners aren't corrected early on, you might attempt to challenge authority and tread upon the Wen Clan's heads."

Jiang Cheng started restraining me as the Wen Clan servants came down and confiscated our swords.

"Why are you restraining me?" I whispered.

"I fear that you will cause trouble,'' he whispered back.

"Relax. As much as I hate Wen Chao, I won't cause trouble for our clan this time." We then turned in our swords.

As all the swords were collected, Wen Chao spoke up again. "Here is a book for everyone, The Quintessence of the Wen Clan. It is a collection of proverbs and glories from clan leaders and famed gentries of the Wen Clan. Every one of you need to memorize each word by heart. I will ask someone to recite every sunrise, midday, and dusk from now on. Everyone who cannot will be punished according to our clan's rules."

I then spoke up, "Yes, most definitely. I'll take a hard look at it..." I then whispered the last part. "To see how sick the Wen Clan of Qishan can be." Thus, the introduction was over and we were shown to our rooms.

| 3rd Person POV |

Meanwhile, in the throne room, Wen Qing and Wen (Y/N) stood on the side of the throne room as he gave us a sight to see. One of the disciples pleaded on the ground for mercy as Wen Ruohan punished him. He then made the puppets attack the disciple as he cried in pain.

"Wen Qing. I heard you helped Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji escape." Wen Ruohan started.

Wen Qing knelt then put her hands in front of her and leaned her head down. "I failed to do my mission."

"This is the last warning I'm giving you Wen Qing. The next time you mess up, Wen Ning will be the one here."

"It will not happen again." Wen Qing pleaded. "Clan Leader Wen brought me up and I am grateful. As long as Grand Master Wen has an order, I dare not disobey."

"As long as you understand, I am testing the Yin Iron. Come and help me."


Wen Ruohan then stopped the puppets and put them back into place. "You're free to leave." Wen Qing then looked back at me and nodded as she walked out the throne room to her residence to tell Wen Ning to not help Wei Wuxian anymore.

Wen Ruohan then turned to Wen (Y/N). "Wen (Y/N). How many times do I have to tell you? Don't stall my plans involving the Yin Iron. Because of you, Lan Wangji was almost able to escape with the Yin Iron if you came earlier."

She scoffed. "Didn't I tell you that if you come inches close to them, I would personally kill you."

"This is why I made you locked in your room because you're always acting on your own. I shouldn't have let you free and go to the Cloud Recesses. You're too attached to them."

"And so what if I am? They're more than what you can offer me. Like suitors really? I'll kill every last one of those wretched power hungry men you give me." Wen (Y/N) spat. Her father stayed silent. "Forget it. Go ahead and kick me out of the Wen Clan. Tell everyone that I have defected. It's not like I was going to help you anyways nor did I need your help."

Just as Wen (Y/N) was about to leave the room, Wen Ruohan stood up. "You forgot that they're all at the indoctrination." Wen (Y/N) looked back. "They're all hostages under Wen Chao until it's over." Wen (Y/N) turned away and left.

| Wei Wuxian POV |

Jiang Cheng and I were in our pavilion. I read the Wen Clan's book as Jiang Cheng unpacked. I then read a line to Jiang Cheng and laughed. I looked over to him as he looked like he was deep in thought.

"Jiang Cheng, what are you thinking?"

Jiang Cheng snapped out of his thoughts. "Nothing." He paused for a bit. "Wen Qing, where do you think she is?"

"She probably is here in the Nightless City. We're probably not going to meet her though. The Wen Clan is so petty." Then something hit me. "The Wen clan is so petty. They only took Lan Zhan to the indoctrination. Something bad happened." I then walked to the door and opened it.

The two guards then blocked my way. "Wandering is not allowed during this indoctrination."

"I'm just looking for someone." I reasoned.

"Talking is not allowed either." They then closed the door on me.

I'll find an opportunity to find out tomorrow.

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