Chapter 21: Tansy

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| (Y/N) POV |

I walked into the throne room to see my father. I entered the middle, facing him with my arms crossed while leaning on my left leg. "I hope you feel accomplished, father. You finally got me to become one of your dogs to do your bidding." I then looked at my nails before turning back at him. "That's what you wanted me to say after killing everyone at Lotus Pier, huh?"

He chuckled. "I hope you liked watching them die. Maybe when you were watching as the sword pierced right through Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan stabbing herself, it made you realize, you can't save everyone."

"Shut up." I said as I glared at him. "I came here to ask you something actually. I'll help you with one favor, but only if you give me one favor."


"No. I'd like to hear your one favor first before I say mine."

"Very well. You shall find the last shard of Yin Iron and bring it to the Wen Clan."

I smirked. "Consider it done. Now my favor... I'm free from the Nightless City which means I can choose to leave this place and you won't come find me. Not only that, the Wen Clan rules do not apply to me, of course I can't betray because the Wen Clan outnumbers me. Thus, my favor is to be free from the Nightless City which includes to be free from the rules. Do we have a deal?"

"Alright, Wen (Y/N), if you ever betray your end, I will kill Wei Wuxian right in front of you."

"And if you ever betray your end, I'll completely destroy your plan with the Yin Iron." I then left the room to find someone.

~ Over at Yiling Supervisory Office ~

| 3rd Person POV |

Wei Wuxian went hunting so Jiang Cheng could eat something before he told him about how to get his golden core back. As he caught a chicken, he felt that something was wrong. He walked through the fields to find Song Lan lying with a white blindfold over his eyes. What happened to his eyes? Wei Wuxian thought. He then carried him back to Yiling where Wen Qing took care of him.

"Song Lan, how did you get her? And who hurt you?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"After separating with you people, I traveled around with Xingchen. A few months ago, I rushed back to the Snow White Pavilion to celebrate my master's birthday. Unexpectedly, when I arrived, everyone was dead and the Snow White Pavilion was in a mess. I then tried to look for my Master, calling his name. I saw him on the ground with blood around his lips. He said to me, 'Be careful...' I heard footsteps running. Xue Yang threw a purple powder. My eyes started burning until they bled. 'Song Lan, you tell Xiao Xingchen that this is a big gift for him.' He said as he laughed. He slaughtered the Snow White Pavilion and tortured my master for more than 10 days. He was hiding while waiting to attack me. I got drowsy, but in a trance, I seemed to see Xingchen. He told me that he's taking me to see his master, Baoshan Sanren. She can heal my eyes."

"Baoshan Sanren?" Wen Qing questioned.

He nodded. "I don't know anything else. Then I met Young Master Wei."

"What about Baoshan Sanren? Is she here?" Song Lan shook his head.

"Let Song Lan rest." Wei Wuxian said.


"Baoshan Sanren is my grandmaster. How could I not know where she is?"

"You mean she can-" Yanli intervened.

"Yes, Jiang Cheng can be saved."

They all left the room to Song Lan.

Wei Wuxian went over to Jiang Cheng's room where he was asleep, lying on the bed. He set food down on the table and walked over to Jiang Cheng to take the needles out of his head. Wei Wuxian walked back and started eating. He waited for Jiang Cheng to stir and then said "You're awake. Come here. It's time for dinner." Jiang Cheng didn't speak or move. "Jiang Cheng. Do you really want to die?"

"I can't seek revenge when I'm alive. Maybe I can turn into a ferocious ghost." Jiang Cheng said.

Wei Wuxian laughed. "You had undergone a soul-calming ceremony when you were little. You won't be able to turn into a ferocious ghost after you die." Silence filled the room. "Come and eat. If you don't, you won't have enough energy to go and get back your golden core."

He then looked at Wei Wuxian. "You know how?"

"I do. My mother, Cangse Sanren was a pupil of Baoshan Sanren." Jiang Cheng then sat up. "Baoshan Sanren is the legendary cultivator who is said to be able to revive the dead and give flesh to bones."

"You said you didn't have many memories about your mother."

"I don't, but Baoshan means "embracing mountains" and this voice always told me if I was in an absolutely desperate situation, I can go up the mountain and ask the immortal ones on the mountain for help." Jiang Cheng then got out of the bed and ran over to the table.

"You mean-"

Wei Wuxian cut him off. "Eat first. We can talk while eating or else I won't say anything." Jiang Cheng lifted the bowl and started eating. "I'll take you there in a few days."

"Today." Jiang Cheng said.

"Tomorrow. We have to help Yanli settle down. It's not suitable for her to go with us." Jiang Cheng then nodded. "You have to listen to what I tell you." Wei Wuxian commanded. He then told Jiang Cheng the instructions for what to do.

Evening arrived and Wei Wuxian got a sleeping essence from Wen Qing. He walked into the room to see Yanli. She tucked Jiang Cheng in and then gave her the essence. Wei Wuxian and Yanli then sat down at the table in the center of the room. She poured the essence inside the pot as it diffused. They talked for a bit and soon enough, she fell asleep. Jiang Cheng got up from his bed. They then transported Yanli into the carriage where she was taken to Lanling with Song Lan. Song Lan departed with Yanli and Wei Wuxian turned back to the Wen siblings. After a few moments, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng started their journey to the mountains. They reached the point where Wei Wuxian was going to drop Jiang Cheng in the morning. Wei Wuxian tied a blindfold over Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng started walking down the path.

"Jiang Cheng. This is your only chance. Don't be so impulsive next time!" Wei Wuxian yelled after him. Jiang Cheng just waved and walked along.

Jiang Cheng arrived in the middle of a meadow on a mountain. He heard a bell ringing and used the stick to defend himself.

A voice then sounded. "Young Master, please stop."

"Excuse me. Is this where Baoshan Sanren lives?" Jiang Cheng questioned.

"Who are you and why are you here?" the voice questioned.

"I'm the son of Cangse Sanren who was the disciple of Baoshan Sanren. I, Wei Ying, came all the way here to see Baoshan Sanren."

The sword was then sheathed "Cangse Sanren is already out of the mountain and has nothing to do with Baoshan immortal."

"Young Master please leave."

Jiang Cheng then kneeled and put his hands in front. "I just came to see Baoshan Sanren. I hope Grand Master can save my life for my mother's sake."

"Save yourself?"

Jiang Cheng then told the voice about Lotus Pier and how his core was melted. The person behind the voice then threw a ribbon at Jiang Cheng and guided him to the peak of the mountain where his golden core was repaired.

Meanwhile, the other clans heard of what happened to the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng. They finally decided to ally together to get rid of the Wen Clan and take revenge for the Jiang Clan. In Qinghe, the Nie Clan attacked the Supervisory Office that was set and The Lan Clan attacked the Supervisory Office in Gusu.

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