Chapter 36: Euphorbia

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| 3rd Person POV |

While the meeting occurred in Carp Town, Wei Wuxian and Wen (Y/N) guided the Wen Clan members down a path that led to the Burial Mounds. As they reached closer to the Burial Mounds, they released the horses. The Wen Clan members followed Wei Wuxian as he led the way.

"Where is this?" One of the Wen Clan members who they called Uncle Four asked.

"This place? The Burial Mounds." Wei Wuxian replied.

"This... can people live here?" Uncle Four stuttered.

"Yes, I've lived here for half my life with my mother." Wen (Y/N) then said. "Let's go."

The Wen Clan members continued following Wei Wuxian. They arrived at Xue Chonghai's old residence, the Demon Subdue Palace, in the Burial Mounds. It was decently far away from Wen (Y/N)'s residence in the Burial Mounds as her residence was further inside. They set up a straw mattress in a corner of a cave and laid Wen Ning there. Wen (Y/N) and Wei Wuxian covered him as well as the stick walls around him with paper talismans in order to reawaken Wen Ning's consciousness. She ordered Wei Wuxian to leave the room and pulled out her flute. She played a piece before going out to Wei Wuxian. Like she did for Wei Wuxian, she came every morning and evening to play her flute to Wen Ning.

On the fourth day, Wen (Y/N) came in to see Wei Wuxian sleeping on the side of the mattress. "Wei Wuxian." She quietly said before gently shaking him to wake. He gently stirred and looked at her. "It's morning. You need to leave." He then walked outside the room and waited. Eventually, she walked out the room. Wen Qing then came in and tossed two yams, one for Wei Wuxian and one for Wen (Y/N). They took it and started eating.

"Wen Qing, Wen Ning can hear words now." Wen (Y/N) said. "Talk to him often, he may wake up earlier." Wen Qing then smiled and walked into the room to Wen Ning.

"Ning, can you hear me? Ning..." Wen Qing then told Wen Ning about how the Wen Clan members were doing so far as Wen Ning still laid unconscious.

A few more days passed and Wen (Y/N) was leaving to see Lan Wangji. Before she left, she walked with Wei Wuxian and watched the Wen Clan members working. They then stopped at Uncle Four gardening.

"Sir." Wei Wuxian greeted.

"Young Master Wei. Third Young Master Wen. Shall we reclaim the whole barren land today?"

"Yes, only this way we can grow crops well." Wei Wuxian answered.

The toddler of the Wen Clan, Yuan, then ran over and grabbed onto Wen (Y/N) leg. "Aye, Yuan." Wen (Y/N) softly said.

"This..." Yuan held up a puppet toy as he whined. He then started shaking Wen (Y/N) leg. "Speak."

She turned to Wei Wuxian. "Wei Wuxian. Speak."

"What, why me?"

"For Yuan."

Wei Wuxian sighed as he took the puppet and started acting noises for the puppet. Yuan giggled, but still held onto (Y/N)'s leg.

"Okay Yuan, I must leave now." Yuan pouted at (Y/N). "If you still follow me this way, I will plant you in the field as a turnip." He then released her leg and walked over to the hole Uncle Four was making. He then sat down.

"Yuan." Wei Wuxian called. "You really want to be a turnip?" Yuan just looked at them and didn't budge.

"I see. Yuan, stay still or we won't plant you." Wen (Y/N) said. They walked over to him and crouched down.

"There you go." Wen (Y/N) and Wei Wuxian cupped some dirt in their hands and tossed them on Yuan as Yuan took some dirt as well and put it on themselves. "I will plant a big turnip today. After several days, many turnips will grow out. Then everyone can eat to their heart's content."

"But I'm not a turnip." Yuan then said.

"Then we will plant a child here. If we water the child and add fertilizer to him, and let him enjoy the sun often. We can grow many children." Wen (Y/N) joked.

"I want three elder brothers and two elder sisters." Yuan requested.

"No problem. We'll give Yuan three elder brothers and two elder sisters." Wei Wuxian said.

"Will they look like me or turnips?" Yuan asked.

"It's hard to say." Wei Wuxian said. "Do you want them to look like you or turnips?" He continued to put dirt on Yuan with (Y/N).

"Wei Wuxian." Wen (Y/N) said. Wei Wuxian looked up at her. She threw a handful of dirt at him as he looked away to protect his eyes.

"Wen (Y/N), you're going to make me dirty." Wei Wuxian said as he pouted. Yuan giggled. He took a handful of dirt and threw it at Wei Wuxian as well.

"Wei Wuxian. Wen (Y/N)." We both looked back. "What are you doing?"

"Wen Qing, we're trying to grow some older brothers and sisters here." Yuan said.

"Yuan, how about growing more aunts." Wei Wuxian said. "If we grow more aunts, we don't have to worry about the labor force." Wen (Y/N) smacked Wei Wuxian's shoulder.

Wen Qing then walked over and picked Yuan up. She dusted off Yuan's clothes before looking at the two. "I just left for a while and Yuan is planted in the soil. It's fine if you can't help with work, but how can you make trouble? I haven't washed his clothes yesterday yet. His clothes are messed up again. What should he wear tomorrow? How about you two wash his clothes today?"

Wei Wuxian and Wen (Y/N) widened their eyes and looked at each other before saying in sync, "No."

Wei Wuxian then added. "Washing clothes is a women's job, how can a divine man like me do a job like that?" Wen (Y/N) then shot a glare at Wei Wuxian as Wen Qing threatened to attack him.

"Will you do it or not?" Wen Qing asked.

"Uhhh, I got to leave. Sorry Wei Wuxian, you're on your own." Wen (Y/N) said as she stood up.

"Ey, Wen (Y/N)." Wei Wuxian stood up after her and then looked back at Wen Qing. "Aish, I'll do it after I escort Wen (Y/N) out."

"Wei Wuxian. Do you think they'll find us here?" Wen (Y/N) asked as she walked down the path.

"Hmmm, maybe. But don't worry, I'll protect all of you." Wei Wuxian answered.

"You can't fight off 4 clans alone." Wen (Y/N) scoffed. "Lan Wangji will probably be there with us, but 3 vs 4 clans is quite impossible for those 3 to win."

"You're overthinking it, Wen (Y/N)."

"Wei Wuxian, if we ever get into a fight with them and there was no way for us to win, I would prefer that you kill me. At least then, they may take you back into clans as an ally for killing the last descendant of Wen Ruohan."

"(Y/N), you're not going to die as long as I'm alive."

"I hope that's the case." The two then reached the gate. "Wei Wuxian, this is my leave. I'll be back tomorrow. Take care." Wen (Y/N) said before waving farewell and disappeared.

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