Chapter 16: Blackthorn

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| Y/N POV |

"Lan Zhan." I faintly heard. "What do you think she is dreaming?"

"Nothing." He replied.

I fluttered my eyes awake. I blinked a few times and realized I was sitting on Wei Wuxian lap. I quickly jumped up and slapped Wei Wuxian on instinct. "Wei Wuxian! Why, What-"

"Aish, stop yelling it's around 5. Lan Zhan woke up a while ago. Why'd you slap me?" He said as he rubbed his cheek.

"Instinct." I said.

There was a moment of silence before Wei Wuxian said, "I'm going to go for a swim."

Lan Wangji and I looked at him. "What if that monster awakens?"

"Then I'll have you guys distract it while I get out." He said with a cheeky smile. We weren't going to let him. "Come on. How else will we find how to escape the Tortoise of Slaughter."

"We kill it."

"Swords and arrows are useless against it." I looked down. "Don't worry it's not like I'm going to die." We walked out of the small cave as Wei Wuxian slowly entered the pond. A few moments later, he hopped out.

"So what'd you find?"

"I can't find the hole Jiang Cheng was talking about. I'm afraid it's been plugged by the tortoise."

"I told you the only way to escape is to kill it."

We quietly gathered the leftover bows and arrows on the ground trying not to wake up the tortoise. We moved back inside our cave as we took off the rope on the bows to wrap around a separate bundles of arrows. We left one rope to Lan Wangji so he could use the Chord Assasination Technique he learned.

Lan Wangji and I stayed outside while Wei Wuxian swam to enter inside its shell as we talked through Lan Wangji's spell.

"The shell of the tortoise is as solid as a fort. The scarfskin is extremely hard. It seems impossible to break. The fleshy part of the shell is likely to be fragile. I can sneak in its shell to find its weakness and focus on attacking. I'll force it out of the tortoise shell." He then stopped talking as he ventured further inside.

"What's in there?" I asked.

He then stops at a corpse wrapped in a red substance. "The Tortoise of Slaughter not only eats human flesh, but also digests their spiritual cognition." Lan Wangji and I looked at each having the same reaction.

"Just like the Yin Iron." Lan Wangji said.

We saw the tortoise start rocking. It was going to awaken soon. "The resentment is so strong. It seems it's the sword that trapped the monster here." Wei Wuxian said as he pulled on the sword.

"Wei Wuxian, the monster is awakening." I warned him.

Inside, the tortoise was attacking Wei Wuxian. For the first bundle of arrows, it chomped them away. He then threw another bundle as it shook it away. He finally stabbed the sword on the bottom of the tortoise's mouth. It started moving violently and soon took its head out of its shells. We saw Wei Wuxian fly out of the hole and and screamed. Lan Wangji threw his rope around the tortoise's neck while he constantly pulled back. Wei Wuxian was still holding on by the sword in his hand. I then started playing my flute, Xingsheng, to calm the tortoise. As the melody played, the tortoise moved less. Lan Wangji then pulled harder on the tortoise neck with his rope. I looked to the corner of my eye and saw that the swords and leftover arrows on the side stood pointing up. They launched at the tortoise's neck as Lan Wangji pulled one last tug on its neck. The tortoise then groaned and fell along with Wei Wuxian holding his sword. Lan Wangji hopped back to land and then ran over to Wei Wuxian's body. I put my flute down and back in my belt before running down to help Lan Wangji carry Wei Wuxian as he carried a sword.

"Wei Ying. Wei Ying. Wake up." Lan Wangji said with a worried expression. Wei Wuxian then spit out blood on the side.

"Is it dead? Lan Zhan, is it dead?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Yes." He replied. "Yes it is."

Wei Wuxian still looked frightened. "Just now, I heard so many voices screaming in my ears which knocked me unconscious. Am I dreaming?"

"No." I said. His eyelids slowly started falling. I put my hand on his forehead. "You have a fever." Lan Wangji and I started casting a spell on him to stabilize him. He then relaxed from his shivering.

"It's so boring. Why hasn't Jiang Cheng come and saved me yet? It's so quiet." He then let a small smile. "Lan Zhan. Can you sing me a song?"

Lan Wangji said, "How boring."

He then turned to me. "Wen (Y/N). Can you sing me a song?" I then started humming a tune as he drifted off. "It sounds so pleasant." He paused. "What's the name of this song?" Lan Wangji and I finished the spell. I looked at him as his vision blurred.

"I don't know." I said, but he then drifted off to sleep before hearing. I stood up and looked at the sword he was holding again skeptically before leaving. "Lan Zhan, take care of him. I have to go before they find me with you two." Lan Wangji nodded. I dived into the water and went through the hole towards the exit.

~ Time Skip ~

I arrived in front of the doors of the throne room and entered without knocking. "I killed the soldiers you sent to find me after they told me to go to you." I immediately said.

Wen Ruohan chuckled. "Of course you did." I then looked at the floor to see Wen Chao's wife sprawling on the floor.

"So what's she doing here? I wouldn't want a bitch polluting the air here excessively or I might just have to exterminate her." I said not caring what Wen Chao's wife spat.

"I heard she scalded you?"

I looked up. "And so what if she did?"

"I'll allow you to punish her, however, you want. Afterall, it is a crime to hurt one of the Wen descendants."

I scoffed. "Very well. Someone fetch me her hot iron." I put my right hand out, waiting for the object. "Oh where to burn you. Maybe your ugly ass face. Wen Chao would definitely dump you if he sees it." She screeched as I neared it to her face. "I'll be nice to you since you are my brother's disgusting wife." I suddenly pressed the hot iron above her chest as she screamed in pain. I watched her tears spill as I smirked. I gave back the hot iron to the soldier that gave me it. I dusted my hand. I then leaned close to her ear and said, "Get. Out. Before. I. Scar. You. More." Her eyes widened and immediately scrambled out, probably running to Wen Chao. I turned back to my father. "So, are you going to finally remove me?"

"Not quite yet. Would you finally support me testing the Yin Iron, if I call off your engagement with Xue Yang..."

"Xue Yang is missing, but continue."

"And I let you marry Wei Wuxian." I looked at him. As if the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng is going to accept that. I'm not dragging him to my problematic clan either.

"No." I said.

Wen Ruohan sighed. "Very well. I was about to spare the Jiang Clan from being the next Cloud Recesses, but I guess it's no use. Wen Chao asked for my permission to attack the Jiang Clan. I said I would give you one last chance." I left the room and slammed the door behind me. I couldn't hear the last part as he said, "By the time you get there. It'll already be burning."

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