Chapter 42: Zinnia

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| 3rd Person POV |

Wei Wuxian's popularity grew and people tried dressing up as his disciples in order to sell fake goods, especially talismans. Wei Wuxian ends up buying a few trying to make something with them. One day, as he was playing around with one, his whole cave blew up with smoke. Everyone looked over to see smoke coming out. They start worrying for him as Wei Wuxian runs out covering his mouth coughing.

"What happened?" Uncle Four asked.

Wei Wuxian finally caught his breath. "Don't worry. I'm fine. Just a little accident. Everyone can go back to work. Don't look at me anymore." Everyone walked away to go back to work as he ordered.

Wen Qing stood there. "What strange thing are you working on?"

Wei Wuxian held up an item he got from town. "Compass of Evil. It's very powerful."

Wen Qing scoffed and threw the money pouch at him. "Go and buy some meat."

"This is all the money?"

Uncle Four then brought over a bag of turnips and told Wei Wuxian to sell them.

Wei Wuxian sighed. "Wen Ning." He called. Wen Ning then came running down the mountain path to Wei Wuxian ready for duty. "Let's go." Wen Ning took the bag into his hands and followed after Wei Wuxian. "I should ask (Y/N) for her money pouch." Wei Wuxian murmured.

"Ask me what now?" Wen (Y/N) asked as she walked out of the Demon-Subdue Palace.

"Ay. (Y/N). I didn't mean it."

"You can come get my money once you can do some business instead of getting all those fake goods."

"I can be a merchant. Just watch." Wei Wuxian said proudly.

"Uh huh. Let's see." Wen (Y/N) challenged.

The three ended up going to town together as Wen (Y/N) laid boredly on the stairs playing with a talisman while Wei Wuxian leaned back and watched Wen Ning sell for him.

"Turnips. Turnips. Fresh turnips." Wen Ning said plainly. "Turnips."

"Is this what you call business?" She said to Wei Wuxian. She turned to Wen Ning. "Where's the passion? When you sell things, you have to make your product sound good, not boring. You got to get their attention."

Wen Ning nodded. He slightly yelled, "Turnips! fresh and delicious turnips! Turnips! Delicious!"

A person on the side then yelled, "Friends! Have a look! The Yiling Patriarch is selling spiritual tools in person and talismans for home or travel use!" Wen (Y/N) side glanced over.

Wei Wuxian stood up and told him. "I want this one."

"This is the Patriarchal Compass I just made. It's more accurate and durable compared to other ones in the market."

Wei Wuxian walked closer to the item. "I want to exchange it for turnips."

The man backed away. "No cash? Go away. Out of my way to save the world." He then went back to selling his Patriarchal Compass.

"If you can't buy it, steal it." Wen (Y/N) said.

The man left with his Patriarchal Compass. As a person bumped into him, the turnips and the Patriarchal Compass switched.

Wei Wuxian walked around with the compass in his hands. Wen Ning followed behind with Wen (Y/N). They then came across Jiang Cheng. Wen (Y/N) looked at him and waved. "Hi Jiang Cheng." He ignored her.

"Follow me." Jiang Cheng said. Wen Ning and Wen (Y/N) looked at each other. Wei Wuxian followed him, so they ended up following him as well. They entered a pavilion and the door was locked on Wen Ning and Wen (Y/N). "Leave them outside." Wen (Y/N) heard him say.

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