Chapter 28: Stinging Nettle

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| 3rd Person POV |

In the morning, everyone gathered to infiltrate the Wen Clan of Qishan.

"Wen Ruohan of Qishan, as His Excellency, is intended to annex the gentry greedily." Nie Mingjue announced. "He forged Yin Iron privately and killed the innocent crucially. He ordered Wen Xu, Wen Chao, and his men to commit countless crimes, which brought frightful calamity to our clans. So the world was filled with resentment." Nie Mingjue pulled out his sword. "Today, I, Nie Mingjue of Qinghe, am leading an army to suppress Wen Ruohan. We'll storm into Nightless City..." He raised his sword. "And chop his head off to sacrifice for the souls of the deceased!"

The disciples raised their sword with him and chanted, "Sunshot!"

"Go!" The disciples moved to the side and made a path as Nie Mingjue walked down.

Jiang Cheng looked at Yanli. "Yanli, I'll go first. I'll wait for you at Qishan." He then turned over to Wei Wuxian. "We should go to Qishan before the others and kill a few rascals from the Wen Clan." The young masters then followed Nie Mingjue down the path and then the disciples followed after them.

"Why didn't you go with them?" Lan Wangji asked Wei Wuxian.

"I don't want to join in the fun with Jiang Cheng and the colorful peacock." He replied.

"Aren't you the one who prefers to join in the fun?" Wei Wuxian stayed silent.

The Jiang Clan and Jin Clan sieged the Nightless City. On the path towards the Nightless City, they were stopped by Wen Ruohan's puppets. As Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan fought off the puppets with their disciples, the wards blew up. The fire scorched the puppets as they turned into something more powerful. The new puppets had more strength. Jin Zixuan attacked them, but was pushed back. They started killing off the disciples.

A Jin Clan disciple held his bloodied arm and quickly ran to Jin Zixuan. "Young Master, retreat quickly. Or else we'll all be annihilated. Go now!" Jin Zixuan looked around as the puppets played around and killed the disciples. He nodded and retreated.

The Jiang Clan disciples did the same after Jiang Cheng fought off a puppet. They grabbed his arms and screamed, "Go!" They dragged Jiang Cheng out of the battlefield and back to the camp.

Nie Mingjue walked out of the tent to see the injured disciples. They had markings on their face. Jin Zixuan and Jiang Cheng joined him on the side. They walked towards a cage where puppets were reaching out of the holes. They were then brought inside a tent.

Nie Mingjue walked down the middle. "When we sieged the Nightless City, the Jiang Clan and Jin Clan suffered great losses owing to my misjudgement. He might've gotten the last shard of the Yin Iron from Wen (Y/N) or not, either way, the Yin Iron can not be underestimated."

"Right. We attacked the Wen Clan until we arrived at the foot of Qishan. Those puppets were hard to destroy as if they were unkillable. Even those with broken limb attacks." Jiang Cheng explained.

"Jiang Cheng is correct. Even if we have millions of troops, it's impossible to fight the unkillable." Jin Zixuan added.

"It seems we have to kill the leader in order for the troops to stop." Nie Mingjue suggested.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"I will sneak into the Nightless City alone to assassinate Wen Ruohan. If he dies his puppets can not be controlled. At the moment-"

"Clan Leader Nie, it's extremely hard to assassinate Wen Ruohan." Jin Zixuan cut in. "How can we let you be in danger?"

"But as commander-in-chief, how can I sit by to see my officers and soldiers die. If I die, Zewu Jun will control the situation."

"Mingjue." Lan Xichen said as he walked in with a scroll. "I have something to present. Please have a look everyone. Nie Mingjue opened the scroll. It was the formation map of Qishan. Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan then left after taking a look at it. Lan Xichen and Nie Mingjue talked about it for a while before they thought of a plan.

The next day, the Jiang Clan and Jin Clan battled the Wen Clan and their puppets at the side of Qishan. They then retreated once again.

Lan Xichen retreated down a side path. As he and his disciples, ran toward an open area and met with Jiang Cheng, Wei Wuxian, and Lan Wangji, along with the disciples that followed them. They then bowed towards each other.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Wei." Lan Xichen greeted them. He then turned towards Lan Wangji. "Wangji, when we were back in the city, we came across Wen Ruohan's puppets. Now they may have flanked our rears. They are presumably close to us, so is our rear. Now there are pursuing forces after two armies." He then looked back toward the split of the path. "There is only one way to go." They all looked towards the direction Lan Xichen was looking at.

"I'm afraid that the three queues of puppets didn't want to kill us. Instead they want to corner us in the Nightless City. Wen Ruohan tempted us to go deliberately and Mingjue disappeared without a trace." Wei Wuxian then said. "We have been in a trap. Going to the Nightless City is not up to us."

So we have to rest here for a while and attack the Nightless City." Jiang Cheng said before he walked off. Soon after Wei Wuxian walked off as well while Lan Wangji stayed by Lan Xichen's side.

~ In the Scorching-Sun Palace ~

Nie Mingjue was limping in front of Wen Ruohan.

"Nie Mingjue, you claimed my Yin Iron was a wicked trick. I am going to show you the righteous man and how powerful our wicked tricks are." Wen Ruohan spoke. He then sent flames of the Yin iron towards Nie Mingjue and the disciples behind. As the disciples died, Nie Minjue fell to his knees. Nie Mingjue started panting as Wen Ruohan laughed and Meng Yao walked in front of Nie Mingjue. Nie Mingjue looked up to see Meng Yao's face smirk.

Nie Mingjue then pushed Meng Yao away. As Meng Yao stumbled back, he became irritated and kicked Nie Mingjue down to the floor. He yelled, "How dare you be so rude in front of Clan Leader Wen?!"

Nie Mingjue stood up and hit Meng Yao another time before Meng Yao fell to the floor with blood starting to seep out of his mouth. Before Nie Mingjue could hit him again, Nie Mingjue was pushed back by the Yin Iron's force. As he was pushed back he used a force to grab a Wen Soldier on the side and throw him forward. Nie Mingjue called for his blade and sent a wave which threw the remaining Wen Clan Soldiers back. Nie Mingjue then spat blood. He charged towards Wen Ruohan, but he was sent back by a flame of the Yin Iron. He then laid unconscious on the ground.

Wen Ruohan stood up from his seat and walked towards Nie Mingjue. "Trash." He said. "Did he kill Wen Xu?" He then sighed. "Things are getting interesting outside of Scorching Sun Palace. Meng Yao, it is designed by you in person. Don't you want to see?" Wen Ruohan returned the Yin Iron towards the vault in the middle.

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