Chapter 38: Yellow Carnation

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|3rd Person POV |

"The clan leader thought that you had gathered a group of remnant rebels to throne yourself in the mountain, swaying some flags. They turn out to be a group of the old, young, and weak." Jiang Cheng said. "All useless."

Wei Wuxian turned back to him. "All useless? Can't you speak in a good manner?"

Jiang Cheng looked away. "Where's Wen Ning?"

"Why do you ask for him so suddenly?"

"Many people came up to me to ask about him. Who can I turn to when they come to me? I can only come to you."

Wei Wuxian nodded. "Follow me." They then walked to the crack in the mountain. Wen Qing then ran in front of them.

"Stop. What do you want to do?" Wen Qing interrogated.

"Don't worry. Jiang Cheng came here to meet an old friend. He won't do anything to him." Wei Wuxian answered.

She looked over to Jiang Cheng before looking back at Wei Wuxian. "Wait outside the room for a little while. Wen (Y/N) is playing her flute. He just calmed down. Don't disturb him."

"I know."

"After entering, don't make any noises."

"Fine." Wen Qing moved to the side letting them in.

Wei Wuxian led the way to the room. And waited outside the stick forest. Yuan was sitting quietly and obediently outside. He then ran over to grab Wei Wuxian's leg after seeing him. Wen (Y/N) finished her piece and walked out.

"He's fine. You can enter." Wen (Y/N) said before crouching down and picking up Yuan.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian entered the room.

"Wen Ning. Wen Ning." Wei Wuxian whispered. "Someone's here to see you." He then looked over to Jiang Cheng. "He can hear us."

"Why is he in this condition?" Jiang Cheng asked. "People said the dead who you resurrect will become fierce and kill people without blinking."

"Resurrection? Who are the people I resurrected? Part of his spirit was snatched by the dancing fairy when he was a child. He was taken as bait by vicious men to attract evil. When we found him, he was corrupted by evil. His pulse had stopped. He only had his last breath. I just wanted to give the Jin Clan a lesson through Wen Ning by using the power of the Stygian Tiger Amulet. It didn't come to me that he would be a puppet and lose his mind."

"Could he slaughter others just because he lost his mind?"

"Wen Ning was an introvert and a coward. He often hid his emotions. When he lost his mind, the pain, fury, anxiety, and uneasiness hidden inside his heart all erupted out."

"How is he now?"

"Now, we're trying to call his consciousness back."

"You are asking for the moon again. Can he count as a human now? What's his difference from the puppets we killed? Wei Wuxian, was that really you?"

"Jiang Cheng, you suspect that I took the shard of Yin Iron too?"

"Even if he's not a puppet, how can he be distinguished from all of them? You want to awaken his consciousness back which is almost impossible."

"Yes, I also think it's difficult. But I've boasted a dozen times to his sister. Every last one of them believes he can be saved. I have to do this favor. Or I'll bring shame on myself." Jiang Cheng suddenly readied to unsheathe his sword, but Wei Wuxian stopped him. "What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing? Wei Wuxian, how prestigious you are all this while."

Wen Qing came running in. "What are you two doing?"

"Wen Qing, please leave." Wei Wuxian said. "Rest assured. I'm here." Wen Qing sighed and then walked out.

"Wei Wuxian, you've pushed me too hard. These days, all major and minor clans in Carp Tower are confronting endlessly. They all want an account from me. So I had to come here."

"What account? This case has been closed. Those overseers got Wen Ning killed. Wen Ning killed them in return. Life for murder, money for debt. Let's call that the end. They suppose Wen Ning has died anyway."

"How can we call that the end? Do you know how many eyes are spying on you and your Stygian Tiger Amulet? If they caught you in this situation, what is justified would be unjustified."

"You've spoken it out. What is justified would be unjustified. Where else can I go except confine myself here?"

"Where? Of course there's somewhere. The only way to mend this is to finish it ourselves before others take action."

"What do you want to do? Come back with me and turn in everybody here."

"You're joking right? If I turn them in, the only ending is that they'll be killed."

"Having gone this far, you still care about the endings?"

"Jiang Cheng." Wei Wuxian yelled. "Listen to what you just said. Take it back or I'll beat you. Don't forget who tried to protect Clan Leader Jiang and Madam Yu, who brought back the bodies of Clan Leader Jiang and Madam Yu, who sent back their remains buried in Lotus Pier, who took us in when Wen Chao was hunting us down, and who helped us kill off the puppets when we could not fight them all off."

"Wei Wuxian, I'd really like to beat you up. True. They did save us. But why can't you understand that the survivors of the Wen Clan are the target of public hatred. Those who defend them are going against almost everyone in the world. Everyone loathes the Wen Clan and hope they have the most miserable ending. No one is speaking for the defenders of the Wen Clan. No one, in particular, will speak for you."

"I don't need anyone to speak for me."

"What are you speaking? If you can't do it, then I'll do it. Just step aside." He unsheathed his sword, but Wei Wuxian blocked it with his hand. Jiang Cheng then used Zidian to whip Wen Ning, but the hit never came. He pulled his whip away, hitting the wall. "Wei Wuxian, do you understand that? In the eyes of the four main clans, you're a geek, a rare swordsman, a defiant hero, and the only one of your kind. But once you're out of tune with them, you become outrageously frenzied, ignorant of ethics, and wicked as demons. You thought you could be independent and live without restraints. If you persist in defending them, I won't be able to defend you."

"Unable to defend me? Just leave me then. Tell the world I defected. From now on, everything I do does not concern the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng."

"Wei Wuxian, tell me. What on Earth are you doing this for? Is it all for Wen (Y/N)? How much are you going to do for her? What do you gain from this? You know you two can't be together. The Wen Clan massacred the Jiang Clan."

"Jiang Cheng, I will tell you honestly. Even if it weren't for Wen Y/N, Wen Qing, or her brother, or for anyone else, I'd make the exact same choice."

"Wei Wuxian, are you addicted to playing hero? You'll die if you can't be famous? My mom was right. You are the troublemaker of our clan. You do things that you shouldn't be doing. Let's decide when to fight then."

Jiang Cheng left the room without another word. Before Jiang Cheng left the gate, Wen Qing gave back the comb Jiang Cheng gave her and told him that she didn't need it anymore.

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