Chapter 25: Black Rose

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| 3rd Person POV |

It turned into night as they arrived at the station. They spotted Wen Zhuliu entering the building. The disciples stayed back while Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji looked through the crack on the roof. Lan Wangji casted a concealing spell, so they wouldn't be spotted.

Through the hole, Wen Zhuliu went to the corner towards Wen Chao. He then brought Wen Chao over to the table where he opened a bag of medicine and food. Wen Chao kicked the candle on the table. "Blow out the candles. They can't discover us in the dark." Wen Zhuliu didn't listen to him. "Zhuliu, don't you think we escaped since we ran off early and so far away."

"Maybe." Wen Zhuliu replied.

"What do you mean maybe? We should continue to run if it's only a maybe." Wen Chao then grabbed onto Wen Zhuliu's leg.

"Hold still. I need to apply medicine or you will die." Wen Zhuliu scolded. Wen Chao stopped and lifted up his hood. His hair was almost all gone and red scratch marks were seen on his head. His whole face was red as if he scarred himself. Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng looked at each other with concerned expressions before looking back. Wen Zhuliu gave Wen Chao a pill as he swallowed it from Wen Zhuliu's hand like a dog. Wen Zhuliu then applied ointment onto Wen Chao's face and he let out a horrific scream.

Wen Zhuliu grabbed his face. "Don't move. Stop crying. Look at me." He shouted at Wen Chao. "Tears will infect your wounds and your wounds will get worse. Understood?" Wen Chao furiously nodded. Wen Zhuliu applied more ointment till a breeze suddenly blew some candles out along with the sound of the flute screeching from afar. Wen Zhuliu looked back as Wen Chao cowered in fear.

"The flute!" Wen Chao cried. "Is he playing the flute?"

Wen Zhuliu turned back to Wen Chao and helped him up. He opened the bag of food and gave Wen Chao a steamed bun. "Come and eat something. Eat it and we can hurry on our journey."

"No, I don't want it." He slapped the bun out of Wen Zhuliu's hand. "I want my father. When can we find my father?"

"At this speed, we have two days to go."

"Two days to go? Do you see me? You're useless. You're a good for nothing. Why did my father accept you in after Wen (Y/N) brought you from your burning mansion? Go and kill him now!" Wen Chao screamed at Wen Zhuliu. Wen Zhuliu then stood up to leave, but Wen Chao crawled over and grabbed his leg. "No. I'm sorry. Don't leave. I was wrong. Save me. I'll recognize you as my big brother and make my father let you enter the core of our clan."

"No need." Wen Zhuliu said. The doors to the station suddenly opened. Wen Chao immediately backed away to the far corner covering himself. The wind started blowing as footsteps were heard from the bottom floor. The stair steps creaked. Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji waited for the person to appear in their view. Jiang Cheng's eyes widened as he saw the person.

"At this point," Wei Wuxian said.

"Wen Zhuliu." Wen Chao whisper shouted.

"Do you really think you can still call for help?" Wei Wuxian said as he looked to Wen Chao. Wen Zhuliu inched closer to him. Wei Wuxian turned to him. "Wen Zhuliu, are you sure you can save his cheap life from me?"

"I'll try with my life." Wen Zhuliu replied.

"Such a loyal dog."

"I have to repay his excellency and kindness for the promotion."

"What a joke. Why do other people have to pay for your gratitude to Wen Ruohan?" Wei Wuxian put his flute to his lips and started playing. The candles burned out and a red smoke made its way towards Wen Chao. It soon formed into a lady and pulled Wen Chao's hood down. Wen Chao screamed and then fainted from fear. Wen Zhuliu turned back to save Wen Chao from being pierced by the lady, but she dodged and pierce her nails into Wen Zhuliu arm. Wen Zhuliu grunted from the pain. The lady continued to fight Wen Zhuliu as she used her nails to scratch and pierce him. Wen Zhuliu hit the lady and she faded into the air. He then turned to Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian put his flute down, but before Wen Zhuliu could touch Wei Wuxian, the roof came crashing down as Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng jumped down. Wei Wuxian looked at them surprised. Jiang Cheng then latched a golden rope around Wen Zhuliu's neck and hung him from the beam. Wen Zhuliu wriggled to get air, but soon laid lifeless as he died.

They all looked at each other in silence. Jiang Cheng then tossed a sword at Wei Wuxian. "Your sword." Jiang Cheng said.

Wei Wuxian took it and softly smiled. "Thanks."

"You prick. Where have you been in the last three months?" Jiang Cheng questioned.

"It's a long story." Wei Wuxian said as he looked down. Jiang Cheng pulled him into an embrace.

"We made a deal to meet at the town down the mountain. I waited for 5 days, but you didn't even come. I was worried for you for 3 months. When Lan Wangji and I went to the Qishan Indoctrination Bureau, they said you were cast into the Burial Mounds."

"If I had been cast to the Burial Mounds, how come I'm here now? Not a soul can survive there."

"Then where did they take you? Yiling or Nightless City? How'd you escape? While Lan Wangji and I were about to assault Yiling, someone already attacked before us."

"If I say that when I was fleeing, I entered this cave, found a rare book that a seclusive master left and learned it to gain the invincible power, would you believe me?"

"Come on. You've read too many caricatures. There aren't many seclusive masters or rare books in real life."

"See you wouldn't believe me even if I told you. As for the rest, I will tell you after we go back."

"Fine let's talk about this later." There was a pause. "Why didn't you come back sooner?"

"I just got out recently." Wei Wuxian shrugged. "I heard that you and Yanli were alright. You're busy rebuilding the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng while fighting with the clans. Thank you for your efforts in these three months."

"Wei Ying." Lan Wangji began. "Was that you who changed the talisman and killed the Wen Clan among the way?"

"So what if it is me?" Wen Wuxian asked.

"Answer me. Why did you give up a sword for something else?" Wei Wuxian looked away.

"What if I don't want to answer?" Lan Wangji stepped closer as Wei Wuxian stepped back. "Lan Zhan, we have been reunited after so long. It's not proper to confront me with so many questions."

"Answer me." Lan Wangji urged.

"I already did, but you don't believe me. I can't explain it in a few words."

"Then return to Gusu with me and explain it to me clearly."

"Gusu? That place has more than 3,000 disciplines. I refuse to go. I prefer Yunmeng."

"Wei Ying. Don't joke around." He stepped closer towards Wei Wuxian.

"Lan Zhan, what do you really want?"

"Wei Ying, there will be a price for learning wicked tricks. There's no exception throughout history. These tricks harm your body and your temperament more."

"Wicked tricks? I didn't snatch anyone's spirit. What I use are talismans. What I play is music. Even if those are counted as wicked tricks, I know myself. I know whether or not it will hurt me or not. As for my temperament, I'm in charge of my own mind. I fully understand what I'm doing."

"There are some things you can't decide on your own."

"Lan Wangji, why do you choose to be at odds with me now? Who do you think you are?"

Just then, Wen Chao awoken. He crawled over and begged. "Clan Leader Jiang, Second Young Master Lan! Please save me! Forgive me! I was wrong!" Wei Wuxian looked over and kicked Wen Chao.

"Second Young Master Lan." Wei Wuxian began. "It's a domestic affair of the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng. Please leave it to us." After a moment, Lan Wangji then left the room.

After torturing Wen Chao to death, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian went back to Lotus Pier in Yunmeng.

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